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CAS Transcripts?

mcglz_64mcglz_64 Alum Member
in General 891 karma

I got CAS about a week before taking the Sept. LSAT and I requested my undergrad school transcript through it. It still says my transcript is pending. I haven't started apps on LSAC yet...could this be why?


  • Charlesroy100Charlesroy100 Member
    43 karma

    Did you tell your undergrad institutions to send them in? I think the CAS website needs to be reformed and made user friendly. When you put in an institution, they create a request sheet. You are supposed to print off this sheet and give it to your registrar at your undergrad institute. Then they mail off the transcript with that request sheet in it to the address listed on the request sheet. They should make the steps be in bold print in the beginning. I had my undergrad schools do it and it was processed within about a week to CAS.

  • mcglz_64mcglz_64 Alum Member
    891 karma

    UGHHH Wow I feel dumb. I didn't even realize that. Thank you!

  • TheMikeyTheMikey Alum Member
    4196 karma

    Charles nailed it.

    I just want to add that your school may do things electronically though, so printing out (or faxing/emailing) the form isn't necessary. If your school doesn't do transcript submissions electronically though, you gotta figure out how you're going to get the form to your school which should be simple :)

  • Tavorak_Tavorak_ Free Trial Member
    115 karma

    Yeah CAS confused me at first. My university does it electronically and that was so much easier. Where you are in the application process doesn't matter.

    Make sure you get transcripts from every institution you got credit through, including post-secondary and dual-enrollment classes in high school.

  • mcglz_64mcglz_64 Alum Member
    891 karma

    Does study abroad (for one semester) count?

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