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This thread is for all of us who underperformed.

SamiSami Yearly + Live Member Sage 7Sage Tutor
edited October 2017 in General 10801 karma

As soon as I was done with my last section for September LSAT, I knew I had messed up. It was one of those tests that something wrong had happened and I had frozen up. That's never good, I remember thinking. As I walked to the car with my boyfriend holding my hand telling me how hard LR section had been, I suddenly stopped him and said, lets not talk - I feel sick.

Cut to three weeks of waiting and I knew there was no way I had performed my average. My average leading up to the test had been a 170 and I knew I had underperformed. I had felt sick but nothing could have prepared me for how I felt. When I saw that email from LSAC my hand started trembling. I opened it and it was a 164. I got up and made tea. I could hear my boyfriend in the study room talking to his friend about how he was still waiting for his score -I didn't know how I was ever going to tell him this.

So I took my tea and went to my room, locked the door from inside, and cried. I cried for an hour and after a lot of insistence opened up the door to let my boyfriend and dog in. Both of whom knew something was wrong and were waiting for me outside.

I cried a lot last night. I had cried not because 164 is a bad score but I had not performed what I had been performing. I cried because I knew I could do better but I had nothing to show for it. I cried because I had expected more from my score and myself and I had taken PT's correctly with a 10 point difference but my score reflected that I wasn't even close to that range. I felt defeated.

But after a long crying session, I got up and said, lets go out and eat dinner and celebrate your high 170 score. Just because I underperformed does not mean we don't get to celebrate your achievement. So I put on a dress and went out to eat. I ordered dessert first before my meal. I got the most decadent chocolate cake that was filled with chocolate moose - and I ate it. I sometimes cried while eating it but I ate it. I wanted to remind myself of this night and how awful it felt.

I wanted to tell my story because I know at least some of us were where I was last night. We were sad and we felt disheartened. I wanted to be honest because there is something healing about honesty. I hope this story helps anyone who feels alone and feels like they let themselves down. You are not alone. I also want to tell you do not be disheartened. Failures are a part of life and life is all about defeating what holds us back. I want to tell you I am here for you. Yesterday, I couldn't' have done this without my boyfriends support. I realize how vital it is and I am grateful I had someone who knows about LSAT - someone who gets it. So if you need to talk or study or just need anything - I am here for you <3. I know how lonely and sad it feels to not meet your expectation and how much that can hurt. It can really hurt. But you are not alone and we will get through this.

Today, I woke up in the morning at 5:30 am. I had been sleeping till 8 am lately because I had slacked off and I now can no longer afford that. I want to score my average and I will not let LSAT defeat me.

Today, I also set new goals for my LSAT prep that I hope will help me do better in upcoming December test. I plan on doubling down and eradicating anything in my life that does not give me a high return on my LSAT study time. I plan to increase my average to a 175 and up - so if I underperform again, I can still have a high score. I plan on never giving up. More importantly, I plan on being here for everyone who needs me to be there for them.

This thread is for you.

Lots and lots of love,



  • LSATcantwinLSATcantwin Alum Member Sage
    13286 karma

    As someone who is in the exact same boat, and got only about 3 good hours of sleep last night and have to go to work now. Thank you for this...

  • SamiSami Yearly + Live Member Sage 7Sage Tutor
    10801 karma

    @LSATcantwin said:
    As someone who is in the exact same boat, and got only about 3 good hours of sleep last night and have to go to work now. Thank you for this...

    I was awake for most of last night too. :( I am glad I wasn't the only one <3.

    Good luck at work today.

  • Cant Get RightCant Get Right Yearly + Live Member Sage 🍌 7Sage Tutor
    27898 karma

    Sami, I've worked with you enough to know what you're capable of, and I expect nothing but a great future from you. The journey may be longer than you expected, but I think your destination will ultimately be exactly what you set out to make it. Character is defined not by avoiding disappointments but by how you respond to them when they inevitably arise. Yours will carry you through the disappointment, yours will drive you to do whatever it takes, and yours will prevail.

  • The NoodleyThe Noodley Alum Member
    662 karma

    I am with you @Sami !! You are such an inspiration to the community!!
    Let us conquer the Dec test!

  • SamiSami Yearly + Live Member Sage 7Sage Tutor
    10801 karma

    @"Testing..." said:
    I am with you @Sami !! You are such an inspiration to the community!!
    Let us conquer the Dec test!

    Thank you for your kind words <3.

    And lets do this! December, here I come! :smile:

  • akistotleakistotle Member 🍌🍌
    edited October 2017 9382 karma

    @Sami !! :cry: :cry: :cry:

    I cried reading this post because I know you are very much capable of achieving 175+.

    Let’s crush the December test!! I prayed for your high score, and my prayers always take some time. But it will definitely work for the December test!! lol

  • The NoodleyThe Noodley Alum Member
    edited October 2017 662 karma

    @Sami ☺️

  • SamiSami Yearly + Live Member Sage 7Sage Tutor
    10801 karma

    @akistotle said:
    @Sami !! :cry: :cry: :cry:

    I cried reading this post because I know you are very much capable of achieving 175+.

    Let’s crush the December test!! I prayed for your high score, and my prayers always take some time. But it will definitely work for the December test!! lol

    Hugs Akiko <3. Thank you for your prayers.

    Lets crush the December test! Both of us, together. <3

  • LSATcantwinLSATcantwin Alum Member Sage
    edited October 2017 13286 karma

    Now that I'm more awake I want to be honest here as well in more depth since that is what this is about.

    My original test was the Sept 2016 test. I went into it thinking I could wing it like I have with most test in my life. I walked away with a 157 and my head held low. I took two months off after getting my score and started studying agaain.

    This go around I was determined to be as proactive as possible. I was going to put the hours in (300+ this summer) and was going to break the curve. I put my heart and soul into the test as so many of us have done and continue to do. After the test I walked out and remember thinking two things. One was, "why did the logic games seem so damn easy?" The other was "what the heck was the first LR section...I didn't even finish it in time?" After PT'ing at about a 169 average I scored a 163 on this test. It is a 6 point improvement over my first score, but ultimately a disappointment. I got next to no sleep last night because of how sick I felt. I put everything I had into this test and felt like I had the rug pulled from under me.

    I tried to keep my optimistic and positive posts up, but I just need to drain everything that's pent up right now. I for the first time truely feel like I might be incapable of getting a high score on this test. I feel like I don't want to retake it again, and I feel like it's time to start looking into a new career choice.

    While I will inevitably suck it up, and start the grind again for now I am one defeated Sith Lord....

    Thank you for being such a great community.

  • TheMikeyTheMikey Alum Member
    4196 karma

    We'll all get through it, Sami!

    Remember, although you didn't get your desired score, you got a score so many people dream of. Not only that, you scored around the 80th percentile (? sorry I'm bad with percentiles lol) right? I think a 164 is a great score and although I 100% understand a retake, you have to remember how good of a score that is compared to a ton of other people who take the test!

    Let's kick ass in December! :sunglasses:

  • SamiSami Yearly + Live Member Sage 7Sage Tutor
    edited October 2017 10801 karma

    @LSATcantwin I felt the same way, that the rug was pulled from under me. I didn't even know where I could go from here. How will I face everyone? How will I face myself? Am I even good enough? Do I even know LSAT? Were all those PT's and averages a lie?

    I think its important to drain everything that's pent up. I felt crying for so long last night helped but I think I have cried 3 to 4 times today since the time I have been awake. So take your time. I know you will not let this defeat you. You are capable and your PT scores are proof of that.

    Can't Get right once told me that when he first got a low 160 score. He gave up studying. He decided he wasn't cut out for this. But after a month, he came back. And look at him now! Had he given up at 160 or 170 today he wouldn't have that 176.

    So take your time and when you are ready know that we are here for you. To study with you and crush this test.

    Darth Vader never accepts defeat! <3

  • SamiSami Yearly + Live Member Sage 7Sage Tutor
    10801 karma

    @TheMikey said:
    We'll all get through it, Sami!

    Remember, although you didn't get your desired score, you got a score so many people dream of. Not only that, you scored around the 80th percentile (? sorry I'm bad with percentiles lol) right? I think a 164 is a great score and although I 100% understand a retake, you have to remember how good of a score that is compared to a ton of other people who take the test!

    Let's kick ass in December! :sunglasses:

    I definitely agree that its a good score and its a 90th percentile score. But I still want to score higher. So lets kick some LSAC ass in December :sunglasses:

  • AllezAllez21AllezAllez21 Member Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    1917 karma

    I believe in everyone here. Keep at it.

  • elisajelleyelisajelley Alum Member
    89 karma

    Hi friends,
    I just wanted to let y'all know how much I'm appreciating everyone's encouragement and honesty right now. I scored below my ability this September and am pretty disappointed. But no one in my life knows anything about LSAT so I've felt like I have no one to talk to. It's been so helpful for me to be part of this community, to hear your stories, and be in conversation with people who get it.
    Thank you all :)

  • akistotleakistotle Member 🍌🍌
    edited September 2018 9382 karma

    Hey @LSATcantwin, I took September 2016 LSAT too and got a mid-150s score and this time (Sep 2017) got a low-160s score. My diagnostic was a low-140s score. Yes, it is 7 point improvement from my previous score and 20 points improvement from my diagnostic, but I was devastated like you because I was hoping for high 160s. The thing is I actually thought I did well. So I got terrified thinking I would never be able to achieve my goal score. I am an international applicant with no reportable GPA, so I have to do well on the LSAT. Today (I received the score on Thursday morning here in Asia), I was starting to think I made a terrible life decision and to reconsider my career choices, and I felt like I would never defeat the LSAT.

    But I will take a PT tomorrow (Friday) and BR and will talk to my tutor on Sunday.

    I know we will all be great lawyers because we will overcome this.

    hashtag: #letscrushdecember

  • sillllyxosillllyxo Alum Member
    708 karma

    I am with you guys. Wondering if I should have canceled now

  • goldmistgoldmist Member
    32 karma

    @Sami, thank you so much for starting this thread, it's so important to have an outlet so that we can all be there for each other.

    @Akistotle and @LSATcantwin, what are your plans for next steps? I'm on a similar boat. I started studying for a few months in the Fall of 2015, then because of my work schedule, I took a full break and didn't study again until Spring of 2017. I took the June 2017 test and got a 160. Because work was so busy, I quit my job around mid August and started studying full time for the Sept test. I walked away feeling much better than I did after the June test, but I was so shocked and disappointed when I saw my 158 score. Not only did I not improve to my practice test averages of mid 160s, I did worst than my June test. It was crushing, because I had quit my job and put everything on hold for this. Like @akistotle, I am also an international applicant with no reportable GPA, so the LSAT is paramount. And yes, I am also considering whether I'll ever do law.

    What are your plans for next step? Continuing studying and then take the December test? Or hold off and apply next cycle? Since there is no test taking limits anymore, thoughts on taking the test possibly >3 times? Would love to hear your insights on this as I am also deciding what to do next.

  • sillllyxosillllyxo Alum Member
    708 karma

    I think I am putting off until at least Feb at this point

  • LCMama2017LCMama2017 Alum Member
    2134 karma

    @sillllyxo said:
    I think I am putting off until at least Feb at this point

    That's what I'm doing... I had already registered for the December test but there is no way I will be ready. I purchased the + and now I need to figure out how to get this done.

  • sillllyxosillllyxo Alum Member
    708 karma

    @LCMama2017 said:

    @sillllyxo said:
    I think I am putting off until at least Feb at this point

    That's what I'm doing... I had already registered for the December test but there is no way I will be ready. I purchased the + and now I need to figure out how to get this done.

    I might take the weekend off honestly needs to reorganize

  • LCMama2017LCMama2017 Alum Member
    2134 karma

    @elisajelley said:
    Hi friends,
    I just wanted to let y'all know how much I'm appreciating everyone's encouragement and honesty right now. I scored below my ability this September and am pretty disappointed. But no one in my life knows anything about LSAT so I've felt like I have no one to talk to. It's been so helpful for me to be part of this community, to hear your stories, and be in conversation with people who get it.
    Thank you all :)

    Same here - Really hard to talk to people that just don't get it or think the test is easy. Well, its not easy for me.

  • LCMama2017LCMama2017 Alum Member
    2134 karma

    @Sami said:
    As soon as I was done with my last section for September LSAT, I knew I had messed up. It was one of those tests that something wrong had happened and I had frozen up. That's never good, I remember thinking. As I walked to the car with my boyfriend holding my hand telling me how hard LR section had been, I suddenly stopped him and said, lets not talk - I feel sick.

    Thank you for sharing your story Sami. I felt the same way after the test - I just knew it was bad. I won't take December but February, hopefully. Appreciate all the encouragement.

  • LCMama2017LCMama2017 Alum Member
    2134 karma

    @sillllyxo said:

    @LCMama2017 said:

    @sillllyxo said:
    I think I am putting off until at least Feb at this point

    That's what I'm doing... I had already registered for the December test but there is no way I will be ready. I purchased the + and now I need to figure out how to get this done.

    I might take the weekend off honestly needs to reorganize

    I hear you! I need to create a serious study schedule!!!

  • SamiSami Yearly + Live Member Sage 7Sage Tutor
    10801 karma

    Thanks for sharing your story and showing support.
    I am glad we have each other too. <3

    @LCMama2017 @sillllyxo said:
    Definitely don't feel rushed even if you are registered for December. Whenever you guys feel ready and have an average score that is above what you would like you can take it. I think you two will do great <3.

    Also, the first thing my tutor made me do yesterday was create a new study schedule. So I think that's a great idea.

  • Lucas CarterLucas Carter Alum Member
    2804 karma

    Thank you for posting this. It feels better knowing that there are others in the same boat. This adversity will only make our future successes that much sweeter!!

  • SamiSami Yearly + Live Member Sage 7Sage Tutor
    10801 karma

    @"Lucas Carter" said:
    Thank you for posting this. It feels better knowing that there are others in the same boat. This adversity will only make our future successes that much sweeter!!

    Exactly! I can't think of one amazing person who never faced failure. <3

  • LCMama2017LCMama2017 Alum Member
    2134 karma

    @Sami said:
    Also, the first thing my tutor made me do yesterday was create a new study schedule. So I think that's a great idea.

    Sami - at what point do you think we need to get a tutor? Im new to 7Sage (about a month in already) and still working on my CC. I do have past experience with Kaplan though. Happy to hear your thoughts.

  • SamiSami Yearly + Live Member Sage 7Sage Tutor
    10801 karma

    @LCMama2017 said:
    Sami - at what point do you think we need to get a tutor? Im new to 7Sage (about a month in already) and still working on my CC. I do have past experience with Kaplan though. Happy to hear your thoughts.

    I think its a good idea usually to finish the core-curriculum and be in the PT phase before getting a tutor. But if you feel you have more questions than can be answered by posting below each lessons and posting on forums, then I think a tutor can be great help going through the core-curriculum.

    Also, welcome to 7sage :). I am glad we have someone as kind as you in the community.

  • thisisspartathisissparta Alum Member
    edited October 2017 1363 karma

    It's extremely encouraging to see the support offered here. I didn't sit for the September test and don't plan on taking the test until June, but something inside me is still feeling a great sense of gratitude right now. So thanks @Sami; thanks for being transparent about how you're feeling, thanks for providing everyone else who feels the way that you do an outlet to share their dejection. More importantly, thanks for staying positive during this time. You're all inspiring, and I will be rooting for all of you, all the way through.

    Quick question - how many of you think test day anxiety played a role in the score that you got? And, if it did, how do you plan to addressing that issue?

  • SamiSami Yearly + Live Member Sage 7Sage Tutor
    10801 karma

    @thisissparta said:
    It's extremely encouraging to see the support offered here. I didn't sit for the September test and don't plan on taking the test until June, but something inside me is still feeling a great sense of gratitude right now. So thanks @Sami; thanks for being transparent about how you're feeling, thanks for providing everyone else who feels the way that you do an outlet to share their dejection. More importantly, thanks for staying positive during this time. You're all inspiring, and I will be rooting for all of you, all the way through.

    Quick question - how many of you think test day anxiety played a role in the score that you got? And, if it did, how do you plan to addressing that issue?

    Thank you for your kind words.

    I just didn't want anyone to feel alone because I know how hard things can be when you don't meet expectations.

    I am trying to figure out as well if test day stress had anything to do with this. I usually go pretty fast and at home when I take the test timed that strategy pays me dividends. But my theory is that being nervous and being super aggressive was not a good combination. I made insane amount of mistakes and overlooked a lot of things than I don't think I normally do when I am more relaxed. But its just a hypothesis.

    I have already been working on the test by slowing down when I take the new PT's. Also, I think having a higher PT average score would help me. If I can have an average of 175 and up instead of 170, and if I get nervous again, I am hoping having a higher average would mean if I bottom out I can still land in lower 170's.

    Let's see what happens. : )

  • Clementine_ESClementine_ES Free Trial Member
    59 karma

    You can do it @Sami !!

  • SamiSami Yearly + Live Member Sage 7Sage Tutor
    10801 karma

    @Clementine_ES said:
    You can do it @Sami !!

    Hug. Thank you for the encouragement <3.

  • thisisspartathisissparta Alum Member
    edited October 2017 1363 karma

    @Sami said:

    @thisissparta said:
    It's extremely encouraging to see the support offered here. I didn't sit for the September test and don't plan on taking the test until June, but something inside me is still feeling a great sense of gratitude right now. So thanks @Sami; thanks for being transparent about how you're feeling, thanks for providing everyone else who feels the way that you do an outlet to share their dejection. More importantly, thanks for staying positive during this time. You're all inspiring, and I will be rooting for all of you, all the way through.

    Quick question - how many of you think test day anxiety played a role in the score that you got? And, if it did, how do you plan to addressing that issue?

    Thank you for your kind words.

    I just didn't want anyone to feel alone because I know how hard things can be when you don't meet expectations.

    I am trying to figure out as well if test day stress had anything to do with this. I usually go pretty fast and at home when I take the test timed that strategy pays me dividends. But my theory is that being nervous and being super aggressive was not a good combination. I made insane amount of mistakes and overlooked a lot of things than I don't think I normally do when I am more relaxed. But its just a hypothesis.

    I have already been working on the test by slowing down when I take the new PT's. Also, I think having a higher PT average score would help me. If I can have an average of 175 and up instead of 170, and if I get nervous again, I am hoping having a higher average would mean if I bottom out I can still land in lower 170's.

    Let's see what happens. : )

    Gotcha. Do keep us posted on any techniques (and their benefits, if any) that you end up incorporating during your prep with regards to dealing with stress and/or setting a higher bar for average scores!

  • appletreeappletree Member
    27 karma

    @Sami Thanks so much for sharing.
    I am in a very similar position as you. I studied for 7-8 months for the September LSAT. I scored between 167-174 on my last 10 PTs. But I got a 164 on the real test.

    I felt really nervous after writing the test. I only got 3 hours of sleep the night before because I was so anxious. Even though I didn't feel too tired that morning, I was worried that I had made a lot of stupid mistakes due to the inadequate amount of sleep. I ended up losing the most points on LG. LG is my strongest section, and that particular LG section was super easy, but I made a lot of small inadvertent mistakes on every game.

    I'd be interested in hearing about any techniques you have developed to reduce stress. I do not want to allow anxiety to ruin my test performance in December!

  • fambam24fambam24 Member
    215 karma

    I haven't gotten my score back yet but just wanted to express how moved I am by the posts here. It's incredible how y'all are moving forward and not quitting. I don't know what I'm going to face when I get my score in the coming days but this is puts things into good perspective.

  • I'm so sorry, @Sami. You are so capable -- I was really impressed by your ability to understand the test from the LR BR section this last weekend. And, I know you'll kill it on this test because you've put in the work and have a great attitude.

  • apawalterapawalter Member
    357 karma

    I didn't take the September test, but will be right with you in December @Sami you're comments and discussions on this forum have helped me and others so much, you are capable of this and you can do it, we believe in you <3

  • falamo1992falamo1992 Free Trial Member
    18 karma

    Exact same boat -- down to the score. We've got this, Sami.

  • LSATcantwinLSATcantwin Alum Member Sage
    edited September 2018 13286 karma

    @akistotle said:
    Hey @LSATcantwin, I took September 2016 LSAT too and got a mid-150s score and this time (Sep 2017) got a low-160s score. My diagnostic was a low-140s score. Yes, it is 7 point improvement from my previous score and 20 points improvement from my diagnostic, but I was devastated like you because I was hoping for high 160s. The thing is I actually thought I did well. So I got terrified thinking I would never be able to achieve my goal score. I am an international applicant with no reportable GPA, so I have to do well on the LSAT. Today (I received the score on Thursday morning here in Asia), I was starting to think I made a terrible life decision and to reconsider my career choices, and I felt like I would never defeat the LSAT.

    But I will take a PT tomorrow (Friday) and BR and will talk to my tutor on Sunday.

    I know we will all be great lawyers because we will overcome this.

    hashtag: #letscrushdecember

    I just did blind review of the Sept test. 180 and it felt easy. I'm at a loss! Only 2 LR questions made me feel a bit shaky but I got them...I'm seriously considering that it might have been nerves (I'm freaking neurotic and obsessive) and the time pressure...

  • lsat 1101lsat 1101 Alum Member
    267 karma

    Thank you so much for your post Sami, you have been so helpful and kind to me here with my past posts and this post is much appreciated. Did you ever sit for the test before or was this your very first time?

  • tringo335tringo335 Alum Member
    3679 karma

    Michelle Obama was waitlisted at Harvard
    Hillary Rodham Clinton failed the Bar Exam
    Thomas Edison's teachers told him he was too stupid to learn anything
    Dr. Seuss had his first book rejected by 27 publishers
    The Dyson guy went through 5,126 failed vacuum prototypes
    Lady Gaga was dropped by her Record Label after only 3 months & cried so hard she couldn't even talk
    Steven Spielberg was rejected by USC School of Cinematic Arts 3 times...

    Everyone on this thread who thinks they've failed is in damn good company. All of you have been an inspiration on this site whether you know it or not. You don't realize, but people see your dedication and are silently rooting for you and genuinely believe in your success. Take a few days, cry over a mountain of ben and jerry's, but when you're ready get back in the game because Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.

  • LSATcantwinLSATcantwin Alum Member Sage
    edited October 2017 13286 karma

    @tringo335 said:
    Michelle Obama was waitlisted at Harvard
    Hillary Rodham Clinton failed the Bar Exam
    Thomas Edison's teachers told him he was too stupid to learn anything
    Dr. Seuss had his first book rejected by 27 publishers
    The Dyson guy went through 5,126 failed vacuum prototypes
    Lady Gaga was dropped by her Record Label after only 3 months & cried so hard she couldn't even talk
    Steven Spielberg was rejected by USC School of Cinematic Arts 3 times...

    Everyone on this thread who thinks they've failed is in damn good company. All of you have been an inspiration on this site whether you know it or not. You don't realize, but people see your dedication and are silently rooting for you and genuinely believe in your success. Take a few days, cry over a mountain of ben and jerry's, but when you're ready get back in the game because Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.

    thank youuuuuu

  • akistotleakistotle Member 🍌🍌
    9382 karma

    Hi @goldmist, at this point, postponing a cycle is just unthinkable due to various circumstances.

    I always saw the September LSAT as another PT (and it was a bad PT) and I started studying again two days after the September test. I registered for the December test before taking the September test, so I am definitely retaking in December. I may even take the February test because I may be able to use the score for some schools (negotiating for money etc.)

    I plan to apply to schools with the December LSAT score. I will think about what to do if I get rejected from schools I would like to go. I know the employment situation can be tough for foreigners like me if I don’t get into good schools (T-15), and I guess it will be tough even if I get into good schools, but I can’t think about it now. I will continue working hard until the December test. That’s all I can do.

    I have big dreams, and I don’t want the LSAT to crush them. While going to law school in the U.S. is still like a pipe dream for me, I don’t want to give up. I can’t give up because I came this far.

    7Sage Ultimate+ toppage says:
    "If you can dream it, you can do it." - Walt Disney

    I love 7Sage so much. I know that if I write this on TLS, people would say I have no chance (or “stay in your own country!” or something).

  • akistotleakistotle Member 🍌🍌
    9382 karma

    @tringo335 said:
    Michelle Obama was waitlisted at Harvard
    Hillary Rodham Clinton failed the Bar Exam
    Thomas Edison's teachers told him he was too stupid to learn anything
    Dr. Seuss had his first book rejected by 27 publishers
    The Dyson guy went through 5,126 failed vacuum prototypes
    Lady Gaga was dropped by her Record Label after only 3 months & cried so hard she couldn't even talk
    Steven Spielberg was rejected by USC School of Cinematic Arts 3 times...

    Everyone on this thread who thinks they've failed is in damn good company. All of you have been an inspiration on this site whether you know it or not. You don't realize, but people see your dedication and are silently rooting for you and genuinely believe in your success. Take a few days, cry over a mountain of ben and jerry's, but when you're ready get back in the game because Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.

    Thank you. You are the best.

  • BirdLaw818BirdLaw818 Free Trial Member
    553 karma

    aim for the moon and you'll land among the stars or something like that , right? A 164 is solid and if you want to retake just keep in mind that you would have done what, at least like a few points better if you didn't freeze up? When I freeze up my score is at least like 5 points lower lmao. So next text you won't do that (right? :D) , and on top of that you'll study more. I've taken this test three times. I've always scored in the mid 160s to 170s on practice but on test day I've gotten 157, 159, and my score for this one isn't up yet and if I do well then GREAT, but if not, Then what's another test. Good luck! You got this.

  • bsemb001bsemb001 Free Trial Member
    104 karma

    Yeah, Sami you're a beast. You may have gotten less than you aspired, but I'm pretty sure you've had a hand in other test-takers being successful. That may not mean a lot now, but it's very noticeable silver lining.

  • PearlyGoGoPearlyGoGo Alum Member
    171 karma

    Thank you for being so honest Sami !
    I am also on the same boat ... and your word really encourage me !!!

  • Paul CaintPaul Caint Alum Member
    3521 karma

    @Sami Your story is just like mine :(. I knew I did poorly right as I left the exam...nothing felt right.

    Still I had the hope that I was just overthinking it and I actually performed well.

    :( Was crushing to see that hope was unfounded..

  • nessa.k13.0nessa.k13.0 Inactive ⭐
    4141 karma

    ❤️❤️❤️❤️ @Sami I felt this way after the June test. When I got my score you were so sweet and encouraging. I know you have it in you to keep pushing till you reach your goals. I you know your stuff. Reading your post affirms for me why we need to train for a worst case scenario level accuracy and focus on having a lower range at a level we’ll be happy with. Thanks for sharing your story ❤️

  • LindseyDCLindseyDC Core Member
    190 karma

    Thanks for writing this! I have been on this site since march, and havent progressed to the tests yet because I am afraid of using them when I am not 100% solid on the core curriculum. I keep going back and starting over :- O . The LSAT is scary when you take it seriously!!

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