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First Question of each Logic Game

ryan___mryan___m Alum Member

I just wanted to bring it to people's attention who may have not gotten to the later PTs, that for the first question of logic games (The one usually involving a standard check of the rules) JY has been eliminating answer choices when he reads each part of the stimulus. This is a change from the earlier PTs, but I really like this, because there are times where you forget a rule and search frantically for the rule you forgot. I would highly suggest transitioning to this method, I think it will speed up your time and accuracy for logic games!


  • OlamHafuchOlamHafuch Alum Member
    2326 karma

    The other change in his method is that he now does all questions that add a premise first, and then returns to the "naked" must be true/could be true questions.

  • Grace...Grace... Alum Member
    344 karma

    Thank you for pointing it out. I haven’t gotten to later PTs yet so I wouldn’t have known it.

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    @ryan___m said:
    I just wanted to bring it to people's attention who may have not gotten to the later PTs, that for the first question of logic games (The one usually involving a standard check of the rules) JY has been eliminating answer choices when he reads each part of the stimulus. This is a change from the earlier PTs, but I really like this, because there are times where you forget a rule and search frantically for the rule you forgot. I would highly suggest transitioning to this method, I think it will speed up your time and accuracy for logic games!

    Yes, this method makes a huge difference. You get to grapple with the rules and understand them one at a time better, and you get to knock out a question. Doing this saves me about ~2:30 minutes per LG section (I've timed a bunch!)

  • J.Y. PingJ.Y. Ping Administrator Instructor
    14246 karma

    This is all true.

  • FerdaFreshFerdaFresh Alum Member
    561 karma

    I'd assume this is a pretty standard practice among prep companies (doing the premise questions first). I know Princeton does it.

    But I always thought it was pretty badass that 7Sage didn't in their core curriculum. Not resorting to old gameboards to solve those "naked" questions just seemed like a master's approach. There was something commendable in seeing JY do a MBT question with no premises and just the rules in front of him. So I started doing the questions in order too and I think it made me better at games.

  • PositivePositive Alum Member
    426 karma

    @uhinberg Hello! Thanks for your post! : ) I have a quick question. What do you mean by the "PREMISE QUESTION"? is it something like: "If only one of ... xxx" "If Lopez does not receive the same... XXX?? types of questions?

    Thanks in advance!

  • 1000001910000019 Alum Member
    3279 karma

    @"Kings Never Die" said:
    @uhinberg Hello! Thanks for your post! : ) I have a quick question. What do you mean by the "PREMISE QUESTION"? is it something like: "If only one of ... xxx" "If Lopez does not receive the same... XXX?? types of questions?

    Thanks in advance!

    Something that adds an additional constraint.

    If we had a simple sequencing game, and the first question said "Which of the following MUST be true?" and the second question said "If Joe is in position 1, what must be true?" he would go after the second question first.

  • OlamHafuchOlamHafuch Alum Member
    2326 karma

    Right, any question that adds additional information.

  • PositivePositive Alum Member
    426 karma

    @10000019 @uhinberg Great info! Thank you all!

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