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I'm about to start writing my personal statement, cv, and diversity statement. I would like a professional to have a look at it. Someone who knows a lil bit about law school stuff. Unfortunately, I don't have hundreds to blow, and going to a school English tutor seems pointless.
I live in Columbus oh. Does anyone know about law school admission peeps in my area who could lend a hand?
My pre law advisor during undergrad offered to read mine. If you're still in UG, you could try that option!
I graduated and never attended any pre-law
thank you for the advice!
I'd seek out maybe one of your English major friends! I do this all the time for my friends. Also it helps to read your personal statement out loud to various audiences. If it reads weird or doesn't flow then back to the drawing board.
Once you're ready with a good solid draft, post a "resume swap" invitation on this discussion thread. I just exchanged resumes with a fellow 7Sager for free, and got valuable feedback! Others are in the same boat as you, not wanting to spend lots $$$ for a pair of eyes. You could also do a "PS swap" although I don't know if it would sell as well.
Even if you're not in undergrad, you can probably still contact your undergrad school and see if their pre-law advisors are willing to help you. That's what I did, and mine has been incredibly helpful!
*I also never did any pre-law during undergrad