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harrismeganharrismegan Member
edited January 2015 in General 2074 karma
Hi! I find that I'm always asking for advice, but I just don't know what to do about this.
I took the December 2014 test (first time) and scored a 155. Needless to say, I'm re-writing. I purchased the middle package before. I recently bought the premium package and all of the Cambridge packages. However, I only have from 58-73 for prep tests left. I feel like I can redo some of the earlier ones, as I won't really remember all of the questions, but that still doesn't leave that many.
I've decided to prep for the October 2015 exam so I have time in case "life" happens, I can work full time, and I can not stress/burn out.
With that said..... I put it in the study scheduler and there are weeks were I don't prep at all. And, with the scheduler, it includes weeks where I do the prep tests I've already done.... so realistically I have A LOT of time.

I'm wondering..... when should I start prepping? I already have and I'm slowly making my way through. So far I've done MC, MSS, and I'm working through weakening. But I might be done so fast, and I don't want any of it not to be fresh come October.
I was also wondering.... I've decided to start reading a variety of books to enhance my reading skills. I've also bought the LSAT trainer because I've heard the reading comprehension section is good.

Is there more I should be doing during this time?!? I'm worried it's not enough or I might get through everything..... too early? What are your thoughts?

Thanks :)


  • jdawg113jdawg113 Alum Inactive ⭐
    2654 karma
    granted it is very far away so the big thing is avoiding burnout which is probably why it is so spaced out. I would say take a little time off now (unless you have) and get moving. Don't go crazy doing a whole lot every day but you don't need to wait for a certain point. Redoing prep isn't a bad thing as long as you attack the questions how you are supposed to rather than pulling from memory(goes the same for PT's) Think about it. People who retake(especially twice) rarely have material left if they prepped properly yet they still improve. Its all about the approach, not pulling from memory, Seeing what the question wants and figuring out how to get to the answer
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