Definitely don't test back to back like that. Only register when you're averaging around your target score for the last 10 consecutive tests. The LSAT really test your patience as a human. I've been at this for years and I'm not even sure how I will…
The test got progressively difficult as the years went by, though the concept is still the same. Understandably so, they have to find ways to make it more challenging when almost every test taker has the basics and format figured out
@"Burden.of.Floof" said:
That was happening to me, too. No matter how many times I reminded myself to focus on key words, and not misread, I still would.
I finally decided to start giving myself more time to do a section to reinforce good…
While difficult, it's not impossible. 148 diagnostic. On a good day, I can score 180 untimed. I bombed my last timed so I don't even know what my average is at this point lol. It's just a time-consuming process lol
If it gives you any hope, eventually it goes away. I used to go from a near perfect timed section to almost zero on BR because I wasn't confident in my answers and 2nd guessed myself crazy. I went from working my way from wrong to right (via POE ) t…
Love this but I'll be lying if I said this exam is something that excites me lol.
I just wake up and get my coffee and mind together and just do. I envision it as a weight loss journey. No fun, but hopeful a rewarding outcome.
@kkole444 said:
I was wondering if we wanted to start a post/thread on all the funny/crazy things JY has said on the explanation videos? A little something to make us laugh during the limited-human-interaction we've had during Covid and maybe …
@Quelmy said:
Where can I find this Sammy person???? I NEED her!!!! Hahahaha
Any reading comp takeaways? I be getting anxiety listening to these podcasts
@"Na-leh2021" said:
Watching someone who looks like you versus actually watching yourself are two different things but because this is just a weakening question, this choice is ok right since watching a genetically identical copy to you is sim…
Just came here to say, reading "Now why in the lawd’s name would the LSAT people do that?" made me smile real big this morning. I haven't even gotten to the test your talking about, but your title was the best I've seen …
@canihazJD said:
I actually didn't think this one was that bad... and its not really a matter of content, rather understanding the mechanics of "harder" weaken questions.
How do we know when an AC weaken an argument? It makes the conclusi…
@"giulia.pines" said:
If it makes you feel any better, this was the question that my tutor and I spent maybe 30 minutes trying to talk through a few weeks ago and even he was like "what the heck this is terrible"
It took me an hour lmaoo
@"Burden.of.Floof" said:
I can't speak for that question specifically, but I know how you feel. I hadn't done a new test section until last night and it was a wakeup call. Not sure where to go from here, honestly...
The answer choices are th…
@WickedLost said:
For me, it had the opposite effect. I was emotionally exhausted because I was also juggling 10-11 hour work days. I got to a breaking point mentally and took 3 weeks off and now I'm still struggling to get back to my study ro…
@WickedLost said:
For me, it had the opposite effect. I was emotionally exhausted because I was also juggling 10-11 hour work days. I got to a breaking point mentally and took 3 weeks off and now I'm still struggling to get back to my study ro…
@ninamatryoshka said:
I like to read the passage twice (the second read takes much less time) to really "internalize" what it says. Those extra 2 min spent re-reading help a lot when it comes to the questions as I'm much clearer on what the pa…
-Beware of extremes. Difficult vs. Impossible; many vs. most; erroneous vs flawd; flawled vs useless.
-WHen down two, compare the answers and see if the difference is supported by the passage.
-When you find yourself lost, ask: what the heck is th…
@andre3000 said:
I am by no means an expert, but have seen a ton of improvement by using old versions of the test (PT 1-16). I didn't necessarily take them as a test, but instead have used them to drill. Overall, there are minor differences (n…
I had been PTing -0 on all sections untimed. I took my first timed today and got a 151. I immediately called my ex to have sex. I couldn't be bothered because I've come to realize that this test is to mentally exhaust you in every way they can. You …
Untimed for accuracy; timed to work on speed. If you have the accuracy part down, start doing your problem set timed. You're essentially training yourself to think under pressure, attack problems in under 2 mins, quickly identify context cues to hea…