Thank you guys for all the feedback!
Here is one thing which I do that really helped with my comprehension, in addition to figuring out the scope and main point of the passage: connecting the pieces of evidence within each paragraph to the small po…
Hey, thank you guys!! I am trying really hard to increase my reading speed, so I will try more of the memory method and the underline method. I really need to decrease my time....without sacrificing accuracy....
@sully8725 But is that average with the newer RC or the older ones? Cause I used to get minus 1 or minus 0 on the older ones too...Now my average is looking more like -6 on the more recent ones...and that's with Mike Kim's book's help...
Hey Aislingz! This strategy doesn't always work...sometimes the last two games are about equal in terms of difficulty...but if you just quickly scan the rules and the passage, and it looks a little unfamiliar, that is one clue...or if the very last …
Hey jordan, here's a tip which really helped me(and games are not my strong point): I always do the hardest games first, and I give myself a maximum of ten minutes to finish them. This forces me to work more efficiently on the easier games(because o…
Hey guys thank you so much!! I still took it but felt so nauseated that I couldn't yeah, cancelled after managing to finish the test(don't know how I did that!!) and will have to retake in December
Hello! I have another question regarding causation arguments! So is it an assumption to think that, just because a causation relationship has been established between A and B, that in every instance in which A occurs, B will automatically result? We…
Hey tanes25! A lot of NA arguments contain the following error: assuming that two ideas connect just because they may sound similar. So, for example, a typical argument might go like this: "She hates the food I cook. Obviously, therefore, she does n…
LOL LOL LOL LOL @ Curtis90...Maybe they say, ah "bullsunshine," instead of bulsh@#$#%, "what the cloud?" Instead of what the f@#$^^# , "Heart you!" instead of F@#$% you, and my boss is a rainbowing cloud of flowers instead of @#$%^&%#$@!$%^&…
What the above poster said was true! Focus on certain sections...or on certain areas within sections. For example, if you suck at inferences in RC, then just do a week of going over RC passages and writing a bunch of inferences based on the passage.…
I agree with what everyone said. It might take you two years. It might take you one month. Think of it as an LR question: some people say, I increased my score by 10 points in one month just by doing 7sage 15 hours a day! Therefore, if you do 7sage …
Hey Artemis, one thing that I do now is to practice creating the main diagram(with split boards, inferences, etc) over and over again, timed. Sometimes it is this part in which I make a lot of mistakes and am too slow. Maybe instead of doing a WHOLE…