Funny you should say that! I am doing the same thing. I am quickly going over CC for the next month, and then my plan is to take a PT, and then BR by using the Loophole strategy. I am also rereading LH on the side at the same time. So, basically, I …
@billymadison @avoro002 I am so sorry for my late reply! I don't get these notifications (checking that now).. I had come across a book in this discussion forum a while ago, called the loophole in Logical reasoning by Ellen Cassidy. I thought "what…
If you are going to go, one of your best options (that I myself would do) would be to pay the interest that accrues every month on your loan with your savings. See how far you can get. They way, the interest won't keep accruing, and you will be stuc…
@avoro002 Hey there! I actually paid for it too, and I have been on the fence back and forth on whether to even take it. I get test anxiety too at times, so I decided I am going to show up and take it, well aware that I will be scoring in the low 15…
@FindingSage thanks!! That was very helpful. I love the idea of going to Panera, though I am not quite there yet. I have cancelled 3 LSATs due to various reasons.I agree on not scheduling until you are ready, esp. now because the exams have increase…
@Sami you are awesome! thanks for that. I feel like I literally just learned how to read after you tubing active reading!! Are you in law school now? If so, can I ask which one? I remember reading your posts a long time ago before I took a one year …
I feel like the first 45-50% is super time consuming. that's the part you just have to show up and push through. sometime's it takes way longer than the prescribed time. Once you get PAST the logical reasoning questions, the games are kind of fun an…
I am in the exact same boat as you with all of those factors, but throw a toddler into the mix. The best thing I have done, is changing my schedule to study and focus mostly in the mornings. I get up at 4.00, 5.00 or 6.00 AM depending on what is goi…
Go to bed super early starting at least 3 weeks before the exam. We're talking 9.00 PM latest. Your brain and body are going to fight it for at least a week, but start getting up at 5.30 or 6.00 am. if you need something to do that early, study. Tha…
I also have your same certifications (and the 24). I think Catholic has a securities law program that would fit you if you are wanting to stay in the investments/financial world. Check them out - it may be right up your alley. But all schools in DC …
you DEFINITELY have a chance, it just depends on the school. My gut says look below the top 100. If you just need the paper and don't care about the school you will be able to find one. Schools off the top of my head that would be ok-ish with that s…
Change it. If the school is important you need to write about exactly what they are asking. Or at least go over it and personalize it to the school. Good luck!
20 hours a week sounds like 1 practice test and BR (about 12 hours in my opinion) and some studying per week. You will want to get through the core curriculum and take a minimum of 6 practice tests (per my reading and listening to the CC from JY). I…
Awesome! I cannot attend the mid December ones (out of town), are you offering them later in December? I would love to hop onto these. Aiming for the February exam.
@LCMama2017 said:
Hi Lindsey - I'm not sure of the answer to your first question. I would suggest contacting student services, maybe they can delete them all for you.
As to your second question - you are 100% about not taking PTs unless…
I've been thinking about since I was 23 but was too afraid to cough up the $$ or get loans.
Washington DC (my area) has LOTS of working adults doing law for a second career.
I'm a little nervous about starting at my age (and with a toddler…
Sorry - I should have elaborated. I think you definitely can do it if you have the focus and motivation. I chose sleep over everything. I can study a lot easier now. Once you get a rhythm down, it gets easier and you get a good routine down.
You know what! That WAS my goal. Until I had the baby - which was my first. The being up every 2-3 hours constantly completely altered my plans. Not only did that not happen, it took the entire 6 weeks to get back to normal again. The 6 weeks flew b…
I couldn't agree more! That's why I've decided to make the leap for a few months.
@goingfor99th said:
Social media is a big one. I can't tell you how freeing it was to break away from social media. That is definitely when my score began to i…
that's awesome!!! thanks!!! I love that. > @"lady macbeth" said:
Download this app called Forest. It's a virtual tree growing app where trees are planted while you're not on your phone. If you open your phone, the tree begins to die. After yo…
I am sort of in the same boat - I didn't take the february LSAT, so I am looking at schools accepting a June LSAT. Most of the schools ... lower down the chain... accept the June LSAT if you wanted to retake it. That being said, if you don't anticip…