Hi there. I'm a little confused at your question but if what you mean by "general question" is an acceptable situation question (ex. Which one of the following is an acceptable order for the guests to sit in?), those questions remain the first quest…
This used to happen to me as well (not on PTs but on problem sets) and I realized it was because I was BRing the questions incorrectly. What do you mean when you say Blind Review? If you mean just revisiting the question and choosing a new answer, t…
@"Cant Get Right" Wow. Thank you so much. These additional BR steps feel like they will really help push me towards true understanding. Thank you!
One last question: while I am still in the CC should I be doing problem sets timed and then BRing the…
@"Cant Get Right" Thanks for that insight. To get slightly more concrete, are you suggesting that I do something more than do the problem myself and then watch the explanation? Currently my approach has been to work the question on my own, come up w…
@"Alan Cheuk" my iPad isn't compatible with the 7Sage app, so I'm trying to access digital PTs through the 7Sage website through the Safari app on my iPad. Would this impact my ability to access taking the digital tests?
I'm having a similar problem. My course page will load on my iPad but when I try to click on any of the PT links none of them work.
No problems with the discussion tab though.
Took control of my own destiny and created a spreadsheet myself. It's been super helpful so far. Here's a screenshot of the structure in case anyone wants to follow suit:
@simple_jack I completely share your concerns. I think as we progress through the fundamentals we’ll have to adapt the strategies knowing that we’ll only have access to underlining and highlighting. On the upside, I have heard on other forums (from …
Thanks for the links @akistotle! I'm more looking for tips in terms of test strategy since most of the study resources are thinking about the test in terms of pen and paper. Should I be diagramming differently on LG since there's no more writing on …