... bit perplexed by the discrepancy. How does one get 85% on ... section is clearly much more difficult for me. I would say ... LR that is SIGNIFICANTLY more difficult in comparison to the other ...
Just trying to plot out my PT schedule for the coming weeks leading up to the December LSAT and am wondering, how many PTS a week is ideal? How many is too many?
How was it different from PT ... a couple of passage were difficult...But what about other games ... the test seem relatively more difficult than previous tests too, isn ...
For those getting consistently - 0 in LG, how do you guys do in timing?
Do you usually have bunch of time left after doing all 4 games? or do you need full 34 min (excluding 1min for bubbling)?
Hello, I'm wondering, what and how should we study in this last month? Just reviewing?
Suppose we can devote full-time for studying...what would be the best way to use those time for prep for LSAT?
... more relationships. My question is how does this apply? I know ... just trying to be sure how i should be putting this ... a stimulus , but is this how you would do a close ... reading?? Just wondering how i should apply these things ...
Would be very difficult to meet recommender in person so I was wondering how I would go about asking for a LOR via email. Should I suggest anything for the recommender to write about?
I'm trying, really trying to have interests in the passages but sometimes its really hard to keep concentrate on what it says. How do you stay focused and have interests in the passages?
What is active reader anyway?