@Pacifico - good guide that... essentially what I did... + a ton of practice exams... dunno my grades but I can wager that they are not at the bottom of the pile for sure.
Worked for me in contracts and con law at least... or so it seems... one can never tell :/ the grades are good( some good-ish) but that could be due to a variety of factors including prep during the term.
Certainly not during 1L. However, I do intend to work during both 2L and 3L. I interned with a ton of law students who mentioned that they were required to intern or work during 2L. Most of whom ended up wanting to work during 3L.
Congratulations!!! My instructor for an LSAT class is 1L there this year. Let me know if you want her contact info - she is almost as great as you are:)
Why not? I know NYU takes average LSAT scores seriously, but according to threads I read, other schools seem care less about average scores. One thing I know for sure is that when LSAC delivering your grades, the average score appears anyway.