Hi, just wondering...
So BR is like you review your work by yourself right? Then when doyouneedto refer to other's explanations?
When you find out your thinking is wrong after seeing the answer choices? or...
I studied abroad for the Fall Semester, and those classes appear on my undergrad transcript as transfer credits (no grade, I just received credit for completion). Do I needto submit a transcript from study abroad? A bit confused by LSAC guidance.
... of the semester, my grades were deplorable, as I ... mean **deplorable**.
Do I assume correctly that regardless ... so quickly, I still needtosend in my transcript to LSAC?
< ... 't be indicative of anything to admissions officers.
... jotted down "How many doyouNEED?" on the front of ... LSAT. The reason I needto answer this is because ... and come back to them until you understand how they ... high level, to maybe learn how quick youneedto be in ... think that I might do better to closely study a ...
Hello! I just need some advice. I got the ... 2016 and December 2017, do I needto write an addendum twice or ... test is I decided to take a year off before starting law ... school and I retook the test to ...
... but I decided to push back to January and strictly ... mid 150s and still needto close that gap between ... is it recommended to take until you actually hit your ... study habits, how many hours you put in, etc. But ... if you guys have any tips advice on how to close ...
... a huge increase from October to November which makes me ... Addendum to explain this situation? Or do I needto retake in January to prove ... think it might be late to apply and lost scholarship ... will be very appreciated if you reply! Thank you so much !
Doyou have todo and go over all the ... 7058 questions ever released before you ... won't be enough time todo and go over every prep ... I'll be forced to skip even more. What doyou guys think?
... in any 7sage courses, doyou listen to all of his PT explanations ... ?
(I mean PT you have ... done)
Or just questions you were not sure or got ...
... gets closer, I've had to continually remind myself of WHY ... I want to go. What's my drive ... the end result is - to go to law school and become a ... hoping to go to and why? Basically, "What doyou want to be when you grow ...
... ), I like to take a break and do something non-LSAT ... related for a bit. I'd love to ... consisted of me going to the gym and then ... out of ideas for things todo during the day that ... time, what doyou like todo during the day when you take a ...
I plan on retaking the LSAT in October, so do I needto complete the writing section for my first test? Or can I skip and just do writing on my second test?
... />
Additionally, Do I have to put the month of the year that I ... position? Or is the year sufficient? Due to formatting, I would have ... am absolutely willing todo so. Thoughts?
In Canada one can apply, and send their documents to the school, and once you get your lsat score, your school will make an admission decision. Is the US like this, too, or doyouneed a score BEFORE you apply?
Hey guys!
I applied super late last year with bad results so I withdrew my applications and will be applying again this cycle. I was wondering if I have to repurchase CAS tosend in my applications? Also will I need opt for CRS again?
... !
I took a year off in undergrad as a ... personal statement about how learning to manage and cope with ... person. I know that the year gap in my undergrad degree ... part of my life, do I needto _also_ write an addendum? ... essay?
I attended a community college in my hometown during the summer of my sophomore year as a transient student. Do I needtosend the transcript from that college to LSAC or will that be included on my University's transcript?
... In order todo this I will have to get at least ... school with no money. Where doyou all stand on this? ... much time as youneedto get where you want to go, but I ... just don't know what todo ... . I want to thank everyone who ...
... of needing addenda. I need an addenda for my GPA ... my LSAT jump, I need an addenda to explain my ugly face ... my exact GPA but I do show them that I was ...
I also want to write an addenda that goes ... a 157 to a 163 to a 171. So I needto explain that ...
I know that I eventually needto pay for the CAS ($ ... 195) for law schools to see my application, but ... 2018 LSAT and wish to apply for the Fall ... many schools I wish to apply to accept the Jan 2019 ... the process of applying. Do I needto have CAS first before ...
... silly question, but do letters of recommendation needto explicitly say that anywhere ... ..." It would be easy enough to have them change it and ...