... 're registered for the June LSATFLEX, log in to ProctorU to ... your 1st time taking the Flex, you might need to work ... />
https://www.reddit.com/r/LSAT/comments/jk0hde/lsatflex_do_you_have_to_make_a_proctoru_account/?utm_source=share ...
Hi everyone! This might be a silly question, but I could not find it in the FAQs section of the LSAT. Am I allowed to fold my scratch paper in half for the exam? I don't have a lot of desk space, so I'm trying to save some room.
I've been taking practice exams on the 7Sage platform but I am wondering what the LSATFlex actually looks like? Will we be able to highlight, underline, etc? If you've taking the flex exam already please let me know!
Does anyone know if we're allowed to use pen or mechanical pencil during Flex?
I don't think they're allowed for in-person testing but thought I saw somewhere that they were listed under allowed items.
Hey guys! I'm looking for a few people to form an online study group for the upcoming August LSAT. I'm in the Eastern Standard Time zone. If you're interested, let me know! Drop your email in the discussionthread or send me a message :smile:
... question concerning the LSAT scoring vs. LSATflex scoring. I took ... the June LSAT, so ... I was studying with the flex, now ... which is not the flex. The scoring is kind ... previous tests, that were flex, when I missed that ...
... got right and wrong, but LSAT says these files are " ... my knowledge the Nov 2021 LSAT is disclosed, and when ... decided to discontinue disclosing recent LSAT scores for the time being ... the pandemic began and the LSATFlex got popularized. Hopefully they'll ...
Does anybody know when the inflated LSAT scores will drop for school median averages? I've been told they're from the LSATFlex which ended back in August of 2021. I've seen some median LSAT averages go up 3-4 points for some of the top 25 schools.
... were based on the first LSATFlex in May 2020. How do ... compare with the current online LSAT? Are they around the same ... am taking the upcoming June LSAT. Thank you.