38 has a -13 curve too. I sorta suspect that if some of these earlier tests were given today they would have slightly less forgiving curves since prep materials have gotten better.
... you're given the statement, "51 out of every 100 dogs ... logically consistent with the statement "51 out of every 100 dogs ... dogs than there are definitely 51 cute dogs. Thats all to ... infer from the statement that 51 dogs are cute, that the ...
GSU is right. Likely is one of those statements where at first it doesn't look like it represents "51% or greater" but it does. So: people with university degrees have 51% or greater chance of having dogs than cats. And yes it is also a correlation.
There is no universal definition for those terms. Having a 38% chance of admission for a school means you have a 38% chance of admission, given the data available. Whether you want to call that a reach or a target depends on what those odds mean to you.
Toward the end of my studying I bounced around for that very reason, except for the last week when I did a bunch of very recent PTs. Although I tell my students now to use 1-30 for drills, 31-50 for practice sections, and 51+ for full length PTs.