... sets tend to increase in difficulty, if you're struggling a ... (e.g. problem sets 1-5 out of 10). Totally fine ... to experience the range of difficulty (e.g. problem sets 1 ... , 2, 4, 5, 8 out of 10).
... four games are balanced in difficulty in the same way a ... basically got a little notebook (5"x8"ish) and numbered each ... a future game?_ 5) Specific questions that tripped me ...
... my best section (-3 to 5), and RC being my worst ... on 3 or 4 star difficulty questions to boost you score ... -6 or 7, including a -5 on my last PT (PT85 ...
My tutor had me practicing each major type of game for a good period of time. Each game I did, I tried completing in less than 9 minutes. Then I worked my way to solve each game in about 8 minutes. Not every game will follow this rule since some games have ...
... been practicing consistently with 4/5 star passages, thinking that it ... think it was a superficial difficulty, I just needed more practice ... dealing with that particular difficulty level, so practicing with some ...
... I cracked it. Had over 5 minutes left, which I have ... would say 7/10 on difficulty. I think this is the ... first, I would say 4-5/10. Nothing to tough. Mandatory ...
... I consistently get less than -5 in LR (usually -4) but ... to come down to relative difficulty of the question itself rather ... my incorrect questions are 4/5 diamond difficulty) or it’s where ...
... 2021. Anecdotally, the level of difficulty in RC and LG seemed ... the questions in order of difficulty - I prioritize the question types ... on the harder questions_. 5. First answer questions that are ...
Getting -4/-5 out of 25 questions is ... out for, and each question difficulty further builds on that nuance ... trying to answer a higher difficulty rated question. Time is simply ...