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Is C2 more like early 60s or late 60s to 70s?
Hello, I'm wondering...<br /> Is C2 in SuperprepII look like 50s-early 60s or late 60s to 70s?<br /> People say there are differences between the r…
Anyone experiencing drop in scores in PTs after 60s?
LR LR LG RC Score Date<br /> <br /> 54 1 2 1 5 171 24th July<br /> 55 2 2 3 6 167 11th Aug<br /> 56 4 7 2 8 163 12th Aug <br /> 58 168 …
Anecdotal evidence that the 70s PTs are different from 50s and 60s PTs
Here's my anecdotal evidence that the 70s PTs are harder (or at least different) from earlier modern PTs.<br /> <br /> PTs 54-59, 61, 62, 65, 66 (N…
PTs in the 60s (and other newer PTs)
.....what gives bro? I feel that these are so much harder than earlier ones that I've taken. I'm marking somewhere around 20 questions for BR in each…
Stuck in the 60s..
Hi, i'm hoping to get some advice from 7sagers who may have once been in my shoes.<br /> <br /> Some brief background: My diagnostic was a 164. The…
RC scores in PT 60s vs 70s
Hi all,<br /> <br /> Have anyone experienced a significant drop in your RC scores from PT 60s to 70s?<br /> Do you think RC passages in 70s are ha…
Differences between LSAT PTs 60s v. 70s v 30-59?
I have read in quite a number of forums that the 70's PTs are tougher than the 60's PTs, or at least that peoples scores go down when they break into…
How do your PT scores trend from 60s to 70s?
Hi guys,<br /> <br /> do you guys notice any trends in your PT scores from 60s to 70s in different sections?
Are the tests in the 70s different from the 60s?
Especially considering LR and RC.
60s v 70s LR
Im working my way through PTing the 60s. My question is whether or not the 70s LR is much different from the 60s LR? Just curious.
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PTing in the 80s has made me completely lose confidence in myself.
Started studying in late May with a 150 diagnostic and have improved to scoring in the low 160s, but have regressed to the mid 150s in the couple of …
... be more similar to the
or 70s than the 80s ...
August 2021
PTing in the 80s has made me completely lose confidence in myself.
Started studying in late May with a 150 diagnostic and have improved to scoring in the low 160s, but have regressed to the mid 150s in the couple of …
... be more similar to the
or 70s than the 80s ...
August 2021
Scores Dropping
Hi everyone, hope you're all doing well. I will be taking the LSAT on Tuesday and have been studying for 4 months intensely. My prep-test average…
... are a different feel from
/70s and that they take ...
August 2021
PT's Week Before Test Scores Dropping
Hi all, I am taking the August LSAT this weekend. I have been trying to take a PT every other day for the last two weeks and sadly my scores seem…
Which PTs did you take? I experienced the same thing as I moved from PTs from
and 70s to 80s.
conquer the lsat
August 2021
August 2021 LSAT
⚖ Official August 2021 LSAT Discussion Thread ⚖
Hey 7Sagers, Here's the official August 2021 LSAT Discussion Thread. <center><font color="red">**Please keep all discussions of the August 2021…
... 'd say less 80s more
/70s in that respect.
Lime Green Dot
August 2021
August 2021 LSAT
Miscellaneous Games Time Commitment
How important is it to get very good at the miscellaneous games, the games that are traditionally the final game and a lot tougher? Is it worth time …
... less common in the PT
and 70s, the 80s have ...
September 2021
Logic Games
Score drop in the 80's? Am I doomed for OCT?
I was PT'ing in the high 50's and as soon as I got to the 80's I dropped to 153 consistently from PT 80-83. When I BR i'm in the high 150's. Is this …
... different from the 50s and
. Particularly, I find the language ...
October 2021
-1 to -3 on one LR and -8 on the next
Hi everyone! Happy Friday. On my last few practice tests I have gotten between -1 to -3 on my first LR section and then, if LR shows up a second time…
... have also been doing mainly
and earlier tests. I should ...
October 2021
Logical Reasoning
Has anyone gotten PT92-LR Q10, 17, 19 right?
I’ve attempted each of these questions twice and chose the same answers each time around, B/B/A respectively. Can someone explain to me why these ans…
... , because productivity dropped in the
and 70s as computer tech ... the premises (drop in the
and 70s, drop in heavily ...
October 2021
Logical Reasoning
LSAT AMA w/ 7Sage Tutors – Starting Now (Thurs, Nov 17, 7PM EDT)
Hi everyone! I'm Raphael, a manager with 7Sage's tutoring program. I'm joined by manager Scott, and tutors Nick and Aastha. We'll be answering questi…
... the 70s, 6 in the
remaining. I'd try to ...
November 2021
Khan Academy
Anyone who has done Khan: What are your thoughts?
... of recent PTs (I mean
, 70s and 80s) for their ...
February 2022
169+ Strategy Group (Beyond the Basics)
I'm looking to form a small discussion group to compare notes on strategies and procedures. This is _not_ a study group for going over BRs, re…
I'm interested in something like this as well. I am scoring in the high
and low 70s right now.
July 2022
Study Groups
PT Score Drop
Hello everyone, I am preparing to take the LSAT in a month and while I got a score that was close to the target score on the last PT (one in the 6…
... drop taking tests in the
and got really shaken by ...
August 2022
Doing worse on more recent PTs? Help!
At the beginning of my studying I was testing using PTs from mostly the 50s and 60s. As I'm nearing the October test date and taking more recent exam…
... PTs in the 50s and
and took 83 earlier this ...
September 2022
Guidance for Prep Testing Old vs New Material
Hello, I am planning on taking the January LSAT (maybe even the November test) and was hoping to gather some suggestions on how to approach prep t…
... PT on Monday then a
PT on Thursday), while being ...
September 2022
Doing worse on more recent PTs? Help!
At the beginning of my studying I was testing using PTs from mostly the 50s and 60s. As I'm nearing the October test date and taking more recent exam…
... tests in the 50s and
to the tests in the ...
September 2022
Seem to understand RC passage, but miss a lot of questions
I average anywhere between -10 to -15 on RC which is by far my worst section. But I feel as if I understand the passage fairly well, even confident w…
... scores in the PTs 45-
get really high and then ...
October 2022
Reading Comprehension
Seem to understand RC passage, but miss a lot of questions
I average anywhere between -10 to -15 on RC which is by far my worst section. But I feel as if I understand the passage fairly well, even confident w…
... scores in the PTs 45-
get really high and then ...
October 2022
Reading Comprehension
Seem to understand RC passage, but miss a lot of questions
I average anywhere between -10 to -15 on RC which is by far my worst section. But I feel as if I understand the passage fairly well, even confident w…
... RC sections. Unfortunately, 40-Mid
has notoriously easier RC than ...
October 2022
Reading Comprehension
retaking PT's
what are the general thoughts on retaking PT's? I started studying nov 2022 and am taking the jan 2023. I had read that there was a shift in PT's in …
... a practice tests in the
/70s but making the fourth ...
December 2022
advice needed
Hi! I just got my jan mark back and i think im going to rewrite it. I got a mid 150s mark and my goal is mid 160s.. i have used almost all of the 7sa…
... up, the ones in the
and 70s should still be ...
February 2023
Drill & PT
The study schedule includes practice tests 36-45. Should I skip those Practice tests since they are in the drilling pool? Or do I follow the study sc…
... starting in the 50s or
, to ease in a bit ...
March 2023
June or postpone to august
Hi I need some advice. I’ve been studying the lsat almost full time since January of this year. I’m shooting for a 170 plus but ever since I’ve b…
I hope you postponed. I'm also in the high
/early 70s plateau and I'm aiming for better; August will give more time to study and refine those last few points and areas of weakness. Drill RC as much as you can.
June 2023
June 2023 LSAT
How I scored a 180 (PT 44) and a 179 (PT 45)
Making this post because JY and Bojack prompted me to (haha) I wish I could post a screenshot of my analytics here; they paint a better picture of…
... do a test from the
, then one from the 80s ...
Matt Sorr
July 2023
August 2023 Lsat study group/partner
Well I just took the L on my first lsat. With score release today I figured I need to make a change so, add me on discord if you are interested in pr…
in the mid-
but aiming for 170, would love to join!
elle woods grind set
July 2023
Study Groups
Which Practice Tests to do?
I'm planning on taking the LSAT in October or November or even both, and I've done prep tests 1-6. I know the earlier prep tests aren't exactly repre…
I would use the
/70s+ to PT and the ones before it to drill. This mainly depends on how many PTs you plan to take a week.
August 2023
October 2023 LSAT
Sufficient Condition
Hey y'all, so I know this is a stupid question, but can anyone explain to me what it means for something to be a sufficient condition? I understand i…
... people born in the early
are still considered baby boomers ...
September 2023
Logical Reasoning
Finally broke the 160s!!!
I've been feeling like I was going to end up stuck in the 150s forever, after consistently scoring around 153-156 (I'm taking the August LSAT). I too…
... right before i hit the
!! giving your brain a break ...
July 2024