If Larry drives to work in the morning, he will hit traffic. Therefore:
A If Larry hits traffic, it must be morning.
B If Larry drives to work in the afternoon, he will not hit traffic.
C If Larry doesn't hit traffic, it must ...
I always look forward to the thank you posts from everyone who scored 170+ after each test cycle. This isn't that post. lol. I actually did better on this September test than I expected but I still didn't hit the coveted 170. I was disappointed for a brief ...
I thought I had been getting better at LR, I took this section and got -9 which is no better than when I began studying. Kinda discouraging but I think this was a really hard LR section.
... JY made big announcement of 7Sage cannot no longer offer such ... />
but the 7Sage policy is after November 15, all 7-sage LG videos ... />
would i able to see 7sage official video explanations at all ...
Hello! So I’m doing the Premium course and I just completed the weakening and strengthen question types. I got the majority of questions wrong during the explanation portion where there’s a sample question and JY goes through it. Usually I pause the video, ...
Hi everyone, I just finished my core curriculum, and I have some strategies I want to impelement in the drilling and preptest stages and I want to talk to someone, one on one in private chat or skype or whatever medium is easier, it really helps to hear ...
7Sage is an excellent method of preparing for LSAT as all here know.
I was wondering if anyone has experiences with LSATMax and can they recommend for LSAT prep.
I was thinking in terms of Jan2020 LSAT preparation.
Can I please get feedback and recommendations for LSATMax as source for LSAT Prep 7Sage is excellent,but I was wondering about LSATMax as a supplement source for LSAT Prep,thinking in terms of Jan 2020 exam
... go to get help with logicalreasoning questions? I understand individual elements ... manipulate for any strategy with logicalreasoning I'm fine, but when ...