Writing in ... />
I'm taking the November test as my last ... a lot of the same mistakes on the same question types ... 4-5 minutes on the passage, usethe highlight functions to a ...
Best of luck to all of you guys on your ...
... will take the real LSAT. Usethe same computer, the same lighting, the same pencils ... your computer and network. Gather all your test day items (water ... to you during the test.
... thinks that the complaints are unfounded bc the complainers are biased ... badly treated. Therefore, the complaints are justified (not ... Notes:
1. Deleted the stimulus because it is against ... on the forum.
2. Amended the title: Please usethe format ...
... why B is correct (the stimulus says that lemurs, ... which are lower primates, are the only primates indigenous to Madagascar ... get it. If the stimulus said that the only diurnal lower ...
**Admin Note: Edited title. Please usethe format: "PT#.S#.Q# - brief ...
... understand how AC E counters the city officials response? ... set off either the sufficient condition, or contrapose the necessary for ... weaken question or is the _'if'_ possibility ...
**Admin Note: Edited title. Please usethe format: "PT#.S#.Q# - brief ...
I am 98% done with the 7Sage CC. I am ready to tackle the practice tests. Does anyone want to study for them together in Gangnam? We can book a study cafe and usethe room. We do not necessarily have to study the same thing
I ...
For the scoring, I'll just usethe scores accumulated from ... each 3-section PT and not include the ... this? Should I do the experimental section with another ... />
Thank you all for your help!
... strategy was/is with the core curriculum. I see ... RC. Do y’all stick to the curriculum and get LR ... of the way first, or jump around between all three ... only doing LR, then the other two and forgetting everything ... if I am looking at the curriculum wrong, too!
I could really use some clarity on Game 2 ... . Has anyone ran in to the same issue? If so, how ... />
**Admin Note: Edited title. Please usethe format: "PT#.S#.Q# - brief ...
Check out the latest edition of the 7Sage ... in which I discuss the benefit of repeating some ...
You can read the post here: https://7sage.substack ... If you could use some help on the way to ... of our LSAT tutors, use this link to learn ...
... x,y,z. Ik the Falafel truck serves 2 at ... able to serve all 3 if we cover all possible scenerios?< ... br />
**Admin Note: Edited title. Please usethe ... format: "PT#.S#.Q# - brief description of the question" ...
... all ethical dilemmas (A) or that the guidance is not **correct** in all ... it is not correct in all dilemmas or not clear in ... />
**Admin Note: Edited title. Please usethe format: "PT#.S#.Q# - brief ...
... stumble upon opportunities to use LSAT skills in the real world. Last ... outfit because the woman spilled her wine all over it. The traveler from ... heirlooms under the table: the Ring, Diamond, the Bird Pendant, and the War Medal ...
Hi all,
Based on the 4th paragraph, I wanna know ... how do you tell where the author's tone/ emphasis lies ... ? Through the whole 4th paragraph, it seems ... that the author is simplyly reporting the critics' viewpoint. That is, the author ...
Hey all! I took the lsat a year ago now, and my 166 wasn't enough to get into the schools I was looking at, so I am going to be retaking the test after this summer. What is the best way to go about studying so that I don't retread old territory?
... when it comes to the best way to take ... vs. don't simulate. The old tests had two ... to training our stamina for the actual test. However, ... 't really representative because the actual test will have ... by cutting out the second LR section, the final score will ...
... leaning towards doing them all on LawHub to usethe correct testing format ... in the self-paced mode. This ... is since LawHub has all of the PTs in the same order (I ...
... />
As (b) is eliminated with the same reason, I thought this ... years. I got the detail that "greenhouse is the major cause" should ... balance between holding on to the main structure, but now I ... />
**Admin Note: Edited title. Please usethe format: "PT#.S#.Q# (P ...
... while testing yesterday. They all happened during the same RC section so ... 's a 50% chance that the one I had issues on ... count. I feel good about the rest of it and now ... in May or take the gamble and use my first-time preview ...
... My understanding of the argument is: the two sub-conclusions are ... vs constitution only), therefore the first sentence is not true ... don't understand the structure of the argument and what ...
**Admin Note: Edited title. Please usethe format: "PT#.S#.Q# - brief ...
... am just so confused about the answer choices provided and why ... A is the correct answer. Nowhere did the paragraph say that ... />
**Admin Note: Edited Title. Please usethe format "PT#.S#.Q# - brief ...