I am interested in applying to American law schools. However, I was wondering if T14 schools look primarily at your cGPA, or if they/if any of them look at your primarily your last two years of study.
7Sagers! Our very own Amy Bonnaffons (@amycbon) wrote a short story that's going to be on *This American Life* **this weekend!** Listen to it and be amazed! She is incredible.
... identify predominantly as Latina (Mexican-American and Spanish) but I ... also identify somewhat as Native American because my father (whose ... t identify myself as Native American on one application even ... are like 12% Native American and have all their paperwork ...
... predominant strength for the Mexican American writers to not be tied ... think the author believed Mexican American writers were regional at all ... !!! We could exclude the Mexican American writers completely and the author ...
Would it be possible to get some advice on this question? I'm lacking a way to do this problem methodically and quickly.
Hi, everyone, for question #12, why the cultural conservatism is EXEMPLIFIED by uncritical attitude ? Because the two concepts lie in two pragraphs, and I don’t see a ...
Proctors: 5 proctors total, with 2 in the back watching. Overall very good. Stuck to the time well, gave clear instructions, announced 5 minute warnings. Only drawback was the proctor who passed out the test forms excruciatingly slowly.