Hi! I am looking for a accountability partner for the October Exam. I work full time so preferably someone who will be studying in the evening and on weekends. I would also love to join anygroup chats.
... represent both cases of: 1. "A and B cannot be ... be added to the same group" for grouping games,
< ... to be in the OUT group,
but for the ... s either A in Group1 and B in Group 2, or vice ... />
instead of A/B in Group1 (or 2).
"No" is a negate necessary indicator, group 4. so, No rabbit is white = R-->/W or W-->/R
"If" is a sufficient indicator group1. So, if you are a rabbit then you are white= R-->W or /W-->/R.
Have you done anygroup BR's? I think talking everything out really is helpful. I've already seen a bump in both my BR and my time score since starting them
@tanes256. Thanks, but I was asking for denying the conditional statements (group1~4). Should I just place "It's not the case that" in front of the conditional statements to deny them?
"People who" is your indicator here. Group1. "Not" is only functioning as a negation of handsome. There may be some exception I'm not aware of, but I don't think "not" by itself can function as an indicator. Just a negation.