... , got a new one in April and pushed my start date ... untimed psets, and have done 16 timed PT's so far ... though) from September 2019 to April 2020, but did not really ...
... LSAT twice in February and April of 2021 (first at 158 ... I retake the LSAT in April or push it back until ... June? I am worried that April won't be enough time ...
Hi all! I will be taking the LSAT for the first time in April. I am PT-ing in mid-160s right now and aiming for a mid-160 to high 160s on my first test. Please send me a message if you're interested in joining a study group for the April test.
Looking for study buddies. Got a 169 in January, currently PTing at 173-175, aiming for high 170s in April. Please PM me if you're interested in studying together!
I missed the March PowerScore Crystal Ball and on the recent LSAT podcast they said the predictions might be helpful for April as well. Please comment if you have any tips or suggestions noted down from the Crystal Ball!
... for the LSAT in early April of this year, scored a ... LG from -17 (April 1)->-11 (today); RC -16 (April 1) -> ... ;-10 (today); LR -15 (April 1)-> ...