... the correct answer? The argument is saying that the extension ... the answer was "the argument is flawed because they didn ... because, logically speaking, an argument works with the evidence it ... evidence to validate a terrible argument. If we are speaking ...
... wrong (not strengthen the argument) even if the wording ... be changed to corroborate the argument in the stimulus while ... choice still not strengthen the argument? In other words, if ... the answer choice strengthen the argument?
... , Strengthen, and weaken is an argument. Therefore, there is/are assumption ... are embedded in it 2 argument parties making 2 arguments. On ... />
So if you analyse the argument this way, the assumption pops ...
... t appropriately identifying with the argument. In the first place, ... need to complete the “argument”. Since an argument is a premise + ... identifying the premises in the argument; all of the extraneous ... identify the premise in the argument.
https://7sage. ...
... weakening questions, when the argument posits a causal relationship, ... strengthen or weaken an argument, but is not ... sufficient support for an argument)
< ... strengthening questions, when the argument posits a causal relationship, ...