... have 2 degrees, in Art and History and I did ... worst on both types of passages in the RC. Literature ... grasp on these types of passages? I am getting -0 ... on law and science passages, but blowing my score with ... timed) or worse on the passages I would've thought I ...
... I know about art, but by reading the art LSAT passages, I learned ... that I have absolutely no idea about art ... />
Recently I found Art History - Overview Videos from Phil ... videos or websites that help us with art history! :)
... patterns in RC in Art and Law passages. However, I DO see ... in Science and Social Science passages. I have great difficulty when ... cookie cutter structures for Art and Law passages in RC? If so ...
Is there anyone that can help me with Reading Comprehension? I'm reading the passages and I'm having a hard time understanding it and answering the questions. I can't even get the questions right without it timed. Am I the only one experiencing this?
... 'm having trouble with law passages in reading.
Knowing this ... outside material or reading might help?
I read the Economist ... 't seem to provide much help in terms of
law passages..
... because I suck at comparative passages or because the questions just ... wondering if it would help to do comp. passages in a certain ... , I get the easiest/easier passages down first, but totally bomb ... the comp passages because they are harder to ...
... />
My goal is to help you build confidence and control ... do about LG. I will help you on that journey. I ... the two kinds of science passages + some analogy questions**
< ... answers
> Mastering comparative passages featuring J.Y.’s approach ...
... rather to the lucky passages I got on the ... only pattern is that humanities passages have the worst scores ... Usually -3 in a Art history passage and -0 to ... a bunch of humanity passages I find and train ... to maintain focus on certain passages. Not knowing how to ...
... in liberal arts, law, humanities, art, and social sciences.
My ... /tech, which makes the science passages in RC a relief, but ... struggling with the passages focused on specific artists, art history, social science ...
... I have been drilling hard passages which has helped a lot ... been focusing more on the art of test taking and timing ... appreciated and welcomed. Thank you #help
... learn new things, since the passages are adapted from real articles ... that way because it’ll help me become more engaged with ... the material (which will help me with the memory method ... know if the reading comp passages are actually based on real ...