Hello, all! Can you suggest how to effectively parse sentences? I understand that every sentence is unique in its structure, but is there a universal, generic application or set of steps that can help in parsing ? Thanks.
Hello! I was wondering if anyone had a step by step method for approaching MSS questions. For example, MP questions seem to have a structure to which you can follow to identify the conclusion and thus, get the correct answer...Any suggestions?
... burns me because although the structure isn't too complicated (i ... don't have a diagrammed structure written down somewhere. Refer to ... you guys generally keep the structure in your mind, then that ...
Looking to compile a good pre 1l reading list- what are some the best books to read before starting 1l? Any suggestions? I’m also specifically looking for a book that clearly explains the basic structure of the United States legal system.
What is your strategy for the order in which you do the RC passages? Do you do them as they are presented? Most questions first? Saving science/art/etc for last? Start with the comparative? Something else? I’m curious!