Relavent to LR:
Do you tend to miss the Q's on the same question type (i.e Flaws, Necessary Assumptions,etc)? If you're only missing like -2 to -4 wrong per section, then you might just need to work on your timing as you have the basics down.
I'd be really curious to see how you're doing in strengthening questions. When you miss weakening questions, is it because you don't understand the argument? Or do you get messed up at the answer choices?
Necessary and Sufficient assumptions all fall in the Strengthening question types. The deleted user is my friend who I studied with and we both were tutored by Testmasters. Every company teaches it differently. FYI
-Finish ch. 4-6 in the trainer
-4 LG per day + watch every video explanations
-Drill LR Cambridge packets
-Drill 2 RC passage per day :( :( :(
-Re-watch video lessons on NA/FLAW/WEAKENING
-Take PT 41 and PT 42
In weakening questions, you will almost always ... common correct answer choices for weakening questions are either that the ... well to practice some older weakening questions untimed. Just sit and ...