I think I would avoid the addendum bc it did not really interfere with your ability to take the test or mental state for the test itself, just backtracked ur studying a bit (from what Im interpreting that as)
@Seglen512, I was wondering the same thing! I really want to avoid having to ask for reference letters all over again...have you been able to find out if they'll stay valid?
I understand the intimidation factor you mean. I'd suggest to try Princeton LSAT Workout and Princeton LSAT Logic Games Workout. I will do some fake new LGs before this Feb's test, just to keep me in a good shape when facing new games.
First identify the premise and conclusion, weaken the support bwtn the premise and conclusion. Remember the beam example? Avoid answer choices that weaken the conclusion, as well as the premise since that'll be too easy to identify.
@Rhondaroni its quite normal... after all, you've put your heart and soul and all into this test for a good part of a year... and then all of a sudden, its over and then there's this vacuum....
I actually wanted to avoid looking too closely at the tests, so that in case I hadn't taken them before I wouldn't "ruin" them. :)
If anyone's taken them and recognized them, it would be great to know.