... . Do you think you are taking a long time becauseyou don't have a good ... and you find that the understanding from the stimulus was not in ... time. I do find myself not being able to understand the ... does seem like I'm not getting better by continuing to ...
I wrote a post a few days ago and this ... was one of my points. You ... HAVE to shut it off for a while. Just ... and dive STRAIGHT into apracticetest. I'm sure you'll see improvement.
... living differential is a vast difference. But if you expect to ... have a better one. If youwere going into Big Law for a career ... interest for when you transition back and a better alumni network ... be taking Michigan with a hefty, but not quite full scholarship ...
Since you’re making “stupid mistakes” maybe your brain is just a bit ... tired. I would try taking a couple of days off, refresh ... sure you don’t do them again, and then do apracticetest the ...
... I saw a post where you said you loved Michigan/ ... the waitlist even if youwerenot as sure about that ... ; Also, if you have even a sliver of a chance of withdrawing ... are for me as a Michigander who probably ... those options I think a Harvard acceptance is actually ...
... - my guess is that perhaps youwerenot accepted to that program since ... classes would start in a few short weeks. You can always call ... them you applied for the May-entry program but have not heard ... . Perhaps the school is pushing you back to ...
... . Do you have a diagnostic score and a goal score? If you're not too ... far apart, then yes you ... from your goal, then likely not. You could always begin with the ... />
Got 138 June 2017, fine because it was my first time ...
... - my guess is that perhaps youwerenot accepted to that program since ... classes would start in a few short weeks. You can always call ... them you applied for the May-entry program but have not heard ... . Perhaps the school is pushing you back to ...
... early LGs was a smart decision if youwere trying to ... You still have like 15+ more PTs left so practice ... + and if you find yourself struggling, you should then refer ... every single time then you should look at the ... ones as well. If you are satisfied with ~ -2 ...
... and b) impact your performance becauseyou're not focusing on reading. I ... sentence has a subject and a verb; if you're not getting a sentence, ... are just presenting you with a game in which you have to ... : if you are finding the passage very difficult, a lot of ...
... with a soft timer and got an idea of what the test ... What's the point? If you get really into the data ... about the numbers. If you're not, then don't. When ... downside if you don't take it, study for a long ... end up with a very low score? You may not realize just how ...
So what? Yeah, they recommend you to apply early and a nov test means you apply average. . I’m just saying applying average might make up for not waiting year. And still applying average is not bad.
... A common mistake is worrying too much about timing. You get ... LR. It took me a while to get the ... so a lot of the questions I skipped were prior ... and after 8 minutes a passage I would move ... advise this early, becauseyou should be focused on knowledge. But ...
... between two answer choices, becauseyou're not sure if the author ... 't consistent with what you think was in the ... passage, you really have to skim (or when not under timed ... .
Once you realize that everything is IN ... the passage, it's a whole new game.
Thank you for the response! I won’t be cramming practice tests it ... seems. So I’ll do as you advise ... and do a few practice tests a week with a ton ... I am at today with apracticetest and drill any that I ...
... would be tough, but if you truly bombed June, then it ... -15 from that score. If you feel comfortable sharing some numbers ... than when I took the test in December, and about 5 ... yuck. It's a crappy feeling. But, you're not alone in being ...
... after my trainwreck of apracticetest today. I’m wondering ... you're writing your test, causing you to move at a ... confusing score fluctuations as you continue to improve. Especially ... />
... with 53 min sections? If youwere anticipating the accommodations, then ... the July test is going to be a huge shock. If youwere studying ... don't see a downside to taking the July test. You could try ... removed if you don't wish to have an accommodated test.
... a while ago that you're not allowed to use highlighters. Are you sure you ... don't usually use them becauseyou waste time switching from highlighters ...
... to bring a highlighter. I just took a look at ... this?
You haven't been taking the ... or 2 star?) wrong becauseyouwere overconfident and kind of ... rushing? If you make another thread about ... ! (since this is a highlighter thread :joy: )
... it might be a hard section where you're not the best in ... . That's not even including ... , the time of day you took it, wereyou distracted, ect. Just find ... mistakes in each one you do ...
... it might be a hard section where you're not the best in ... . That's not even including ... , the time of day you took it, wereyou distracted, ect. Just find ... mistakes in each one you do ...
Have you taken any practice tests now after the CC to see if your score changes? I feel like I took apracticetest, saw my weak areas, drilled those, and THEN I actually saw my score increase. My BR increased ALOT too!