... who went to UPenn Law, Berkeley Law, and UCLA Law ... .
My first college was Northeastern University School of ... and transferred to an American college in South Korea, receiving ... an American state school college bachelor’s degree.
Hi, I am looking for a serious and consistent study partner in New York City to meet with at least once a week. I work full-time. I am available on weekday evenings and weekends. Please let me know if you are interested and we create a study plan.
... T-14 (maybe UCLA or Berkeley?) or Boston University (more likely ... elementary, middle, high schools + college
2. 3.897 GPA ... and politics from an art college in the United States ( ... letters to submit, all from college professors.
7. Looking ...
... scholarships I received during my college years. I also did debate ... in college, and I received awards there ... ( 4), (6) merit scholarships, 5 college awards, and (5) debate awards ...
... though one particular patient from City X is medevac'd to ... the hospital in City Y they are still ... considered a City X patient? Thus that is ... not a reason that City X has 1/4th ... of the patients of City Y?
I'm taking the LSAT in June- just got a 168 in April, hoping to bring my score up to the low/mid 170s. I will be in the Bryan College Station area if anyone want to meet up to study. Ideally someone also scoring in the mid to high 160s or above.
... would go to South Texas College of Law because I would ... until I graduated. South Texas College of Law's tuition is ... to imply that South Texas College of Law is a "diploma ... big law in New York City, Chicago, etc. I'm not ...