... 't do betterthana 166 it would be a disappointment for ... can't seem to get better at the games (I ... to even attempt more than 3 on a timed section). -7, ... I pretty much never do betterthan that. On the older ... to rush through a few more questions than I'd like ...
... take the 131 with a grain of salt. There ... 's simply a huge difference between reading ... the questions from a computer screen and actually ... on paper. Do a printed PT for a progress report. ... I'm sure you'll do betterthana ...
... . If I don't get a sense of the right answer ... options will probably be no betterthana guess, unless of course I ... deliberation in past practices, but a lot times got them right ...
About that - does it really make any difference if you're an extreme splitter? Do most schools value a 3.2GPA 175 that much betterthana 3.2GPA 170? I don't think I'd be getting money either way so I'm just curious from an acceptance standpoint.
@shine.on.me Sounds like a good plan... you should only ... test is secondary... it is a means to the end... YOUR ... can own it.. A 175 in December is betterthana 165 in September!
@"Nilesh S" How did you comment faster than me? You're like a wizard...
@shine.on.me It's a good point that a higher score in Dec. is betterthana lower score in Oct... Definitely something to think about when considering your test date.
... (at a law school) seem to think I would be better off ... to think that would look betterthana cancelled score. IDK what to ... have had luck with requesting a hand grader. Supposedly if they ...
A general letter written specifically is always betterthana specific/targeted letter written generally. As long as your reccommender can honestly and meaningfully speak to your strengths you'll be good!
... enabling people to believe better futures are possible will ... about the future is NOTbetterthan pessimism..." is not necessary to this ... "enabling people to believe better futures are possible." Is ... the stimulus, or closer than these other question types. ...
Well you can submit your app because you have a score already. But if I were you I would wait to get your December score so you can make abetter first impression. An app with a 155/138 looks way betterthana 138 app with a 155 update.
... factors really matter. For better or worse, your ... A 4.0 from a clowning University (assuming it’s accredited) is betterthana ... 3.2 with a ... degree in a STEM field from a ...
Yes! It's absolutely worth going with that score. And it's a GOOD score. Retake if you think you can do better - as in, it's betterthana 50/50 chance that you'll score higher.
... predetermined. I had about a dozen alarms set to ... me to go for a run or fix breakfast ... my study schedule which was a separate thing. Drills, ... zquil. I liked it betterthana pill because I could control ... the dosing better. I tried melatonin too ...
... ; Also, sounds like you had a great experience. Having the time ... the actual test. It had a pen on one end and ... LSAT" on them. Anyway, the better souvenir was the $100 gift ... the gift card, haha. Much betterthana pen and I love pens.
... br />
Yes, a retake with abetter score is betterthanaa sole lower score ... "good" score seems to be better. But all in all, I ... think it's a pretty minimal thing admissions people ... on you. Improvement is always better then a lower score, even if ...
... an LSAT score below a 176, with the way ... money. You could score a 132 for your next ... what counts. What looks betterthana 169 to law school ... admission committees? A 169, and a17X. Bottom ... line though, you have a 169 at minimum. ...
Oh... Yeah the ... about it. If you're a visual learning the CC is ... PS LG Bible is still a great book for learning the ... you ask me. What's betterthana real time play by play ...
... understand the argument that a law school has access ... favorable to a 170 on a retake with a previous ... />
Does anyone dispute that a 171 (no matter how many ... to get there) is betterthana 170 in one take? ... This is due to a combination of gaining familiarity ...
I got waitlisted at UPenn and Columbia this week. I feel you. Luckily, neither school were in my top picks but it always sucks to get that WL email... It's betterthana rejection though! Best of luck.