... course but they are not sure 7Sage worth it ... and simple way and do not try to make concepts ... there when J.Y explained notboth rule in less than ... I encounter the concept of notboth rule in one of ... Fortunately for me they did not have any in-person course ...
... no makes it a notboth relationship: IF MIG sufferer ... w/ HD -> NOT take medication. The "except ... joint sufficient condition: IF NOT under supervision.
... />
+ -> NOT take medication
IF NOT under supervision
... manner with in/out games. Not so with other types, and ... I'm not sure why in/out is ... biggest struggle for me. Identifying "notboth" pairs has been a help ...
Hi guys, I'm going through the biconditional part of the curriculum. Im wondering, for the Or, but notboth biconditional, why don't we just write it out like this A -> /B and B->/A, that way you can link it up as well if a chain comes up?
... to split and it's not really needed or I don ... but I know that's not always going to work for ... dismissed it but I'm not always -0 so I'm ... a specific rule like a notboth rule or something)?
... the necessary mean both? unless otherwise indicated as "notboth"
Since its ... a necessary condition would it not mean ... that it is necessary for both B AND C to be ... contrapositive means if not B or not C then not A... If we ...
... says "G and V do not serve on the panel in ... serve on the panel, but notboth" which translates to I --> ... understand the difference between both and but notboth, but I'm a ...
... in some difficulty that is not clear except based on ... rule that has "or but notboth." The usual way appears ... be able to do it both ways, but how does ... we have 2 "or but notboth" rules that create 4 ... similar games would proceed by not doing the split! PT53 ...
... correct answer choice are not at all identical, and ... A and claimB), then a notboth rule (A --> /B ... ) is stated. Since both A and B can't ... author concludes that B must not have happened. However, the ... reason Harris can't do both. Also, even if Harris ...
... the fact that I'm not making inferences quickly enough), one ... 've been taking note of notboth rules with logic. It's ... if I noted the many notboth laws as blocks. My questions ...
Example from ... either laurels or oaks, but notboth, are in the park. not both" but it seems to diagram ... contrapositive regardless of the "but notboth" piece's inclusion.
< ...
Im so confused by a rule in this game which looks like an inclusive "OR BOTH" rules but in the video J.Y diagrams it as a "NOTBOTH"... can anyone help me understand why?
This finally game me a deeper understanding of these concepts, and the visualization really cements the idea in my mind. Just thought I would share. Let me know if this is incorrect or I'm missing something!