... your question about reaching the 170s from a 137 diagnostic, I ... scoring in the mid to high170s from diagnostics in the 140s ... , from the majority of those high scorers, it took a lot ... and breaks to achieve those high scores.
Try drilling questions in the question bank. Filter on whatever question type you are interested in, using the old LSATs, and only level 4 or 5 difficulty. I feel like this is what helped bump me from consisntely scoring low 170s to mid-to-high170s.
Hey Jay, I am also currently hitting the mid-high 160s while BRing in the Mid to High170s. I'm also in the LA area and would be open to studying together! Let me know!
I took 46 PTs in 9 months and was averaging in the low 170s before sitting in September. I was BRing in the high170s so I know I didn't hit a "peak."
My highest timed Prep Test score was 173 with 176 BR.
Hey! I think a major thing to work on is to get your BR score up to your target score first, then worry about the timing strategies. Thjngs like skipping and managing anxiety is the next step to break into the 170s
@btownsquee She was my tutor and helped me go from ~159/160 to getting a blind review score in the mid/high170s and a pt score of about 168. Highly recommended!!
Honestly high170s is p unlikely. I pt around you maybe one point less on average. I think you can get consistent 170s no more high 160s though if you really take testing and BR seriously
Hi! Interested. Got 170 on the June Flex (had some technical issues), have been PT-ing around 173 but would like to be in mid-high170s. Also EDT, studying abt 3 hrs/day.