Does anyone have any tips for these questions? I tend to have to work through each answer choice to see if it would have a similar effect to the removed condition but that is lengthy and doesn't always produce a must be true answer for me.
I am barely getting these questions correct and i am about to give up. Could someone please tell me your methods for approaching these questions cause negating isnt working for me.
... hold criminals responsible bc they cause damage out of free will ... (driving while heart attack and cause damage) responsible, even though the ...
... , that these numbers ignore the effect of the tax on economic ... need to account for the effect on economic growth, and are ... would vary based on the effect that the tax would have ...
Lately, as I have begun dumping more time into LG (and I mean a considerable amount of time, roughly 4-6 hours a day), they have begun to cloud my dreams. I've woken up at least once every night for the last week because the LG I ...