An analogy would be something like: Just ... the Force.
An analogy just likens two disparate things ... it's an argument by analogy. The film adaptations of novels ... seems like you think an analogy has to support or validate ...
An analogy is when you take two ... in some respect. Arguments by analogy do this to get a ... the best example of an analogy (this one is intentionally flawed ...
... a Sith Lord. The analogy of the Jedi and Sith ... />
@quinnxzhang and @mrsamiam covered the analogy/counter example pretty well. Basically ... , an analogy says X is like Y ... s a hypothetical, and an analogy is never technically relevant in ...
... />
@MrSamIam said:
An analogy is when you take two ... respect. Arguments by analogy do this to get ... br />
Essentially, an analogy links X to Y based ... determine how well the analogy fits the two. ... Most of the analogy questions I have come ...
... the flawed arguments use an analogy improperly. They'll analogize X ... />
To weaken an argument by analogy: Show that the two things ... />
To strengthen an argument by analogy: Show that they are similar.
I had a dream once that I was watching a lecture where the speaker insisted on making all of her arguments by analogy and I was internally tearing her arguments apart. This happens in real life often as well and especially when watching tv.