He is the guy. The debt episode scared me so much that I read consumer rights against collection agencies in my province (living in Canada). The showing up in court if they sue you is the part that everyone should know about
... that he thinks people's rights are violated MORE when people ... thinks that some people's rights to medical treatment are violated ... he/she thinks that people rights are violated MORE when they ... arguing the degree to which rights are violated in each context ...
Analysis of a legal case involving the rights of an independent American Indian Nation to litigate American businesses operating within their nation in their own courts and by their own laws. (Comparative)
That's a good point. I have already pinpointed parallel reasoning as a huge weakness. (If it goes higher than 1 star, I am basically dead to rights). It's interesting to see how people can view things differently.
... for environmental protection and human rights to my undergraduate studies, graduate ... me to work for human rights and protecting the environment.