Some of us here are about to "graduate" to law school. Various members of our community (myself, @allison.gill.sanford , @alexandergreene93 ) have been discussing plans for a pre-law-school/0L study group.
... from other professors. In CivilProcedure my professor did not ... for sure, but in CivilProcedure where we did not ... CivilProcedure. As a consequence of this, I struggled through CivilProcedure ... it on trying to understand CivilProcedure. Consequently, I don' ...
... -revolutionary period through to the Civil War.
Jonathan Harr, A Civil Action (Random House, 1995) civil procedure concepts like negligence and ... those relevant to torts and civilprocedure (e.g. negligence, ...
the $19.99 will only unlock Property, is that correct? How is it going to work or cost for Torts, Constitutional Law, CivilProcedure, Criminal Law, Legal Writing? OR Will all of them be included?
@J.Y.Ping when will CivilProcedure, Legal Writing, Research and Writing be available?
Also, I already bought Property, will i be able to just buy Criminal and Tort individually? #help. #admin