I am pretty sure I understand what JY means but I have never encountered a question where it is okay to independently strengthen a hypothesis without strengthening the support between premises and conclusion.
Ah spring... a time of rebirth and renewal and COPIOUS amounts of tree pollen in Va. Allergy symptoms are attacking and I’m not clear headed for tomorrow’s exam at all. Can I do a score preview or switch it to June or is it too late?!
... something else is more appropriate analogy for reporting on political campaigns ... as being the most appropriate analogy for reporting on political campaigns ...
Hey everyone lately I have been scoring -2 on LR ,-1 LG and -7 on RC. Does anyone have tips I could use to help improve my RC score before the October test? I've found difficulty with the Authors Attitude and Analogy questions.
... that since a young tree contains 10 CO2 vs an ... , then clearly the young tree can't offset the decomposition ... of an old tree. But I think this ... because of course a young tree at a snapshot would ... less CO2 than an old tree would - but this seems ...