... improve much. I have been reading the powescore bibles and feel ... help me much in readingcomp and just reading explanations from Manhattan prep ...
... actual exam, I had -9 readingcomp(usually my stronger section), -5 ... were easier than normal and readingcomp was harder. Anyways, I registered ...
... 'all are eye rolling while reading this...) I graduating in May ... feel like I struggled on ReadingComp as much as I have ... . I am just so confused reading everybody's posts about what ...
If anyone is scoring great in rc and has tips / does tutoring please let me know I am missing all my points in rc. I am missing like 13 in rc and -2/3 in everything else. SOS.
It looks like some people, particularly someone like Nicole Hopkins, has a very specific annotation strategy on the paper LSAT. I'm trying to incorporate something like that for myself, but on the digital LSAT platform.