
Word Docs Hits
d 19.9K 26K
the 161.7K 757.7K
evidenthe 0 0
reasoning 5.3K 7.2K
in 103.1K 239.2K
politician 92 199
s 68.4K 123.9K
argument 6.8K 13.8K
is 101.2K 235.7K
most 19K 25K
vulnerable 117 132
to 150K 554.7K
criticism 181 235
thatce 0 0
cited 125 145
support 3.2K 4.3K
of 105.2K 275.6K
conclusion 5.1K 10.5K
actually 11K 12.9K
provides 705 779
more 37.3K 55.5K
for 105.9K 220.5K
denial 79 86

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