@"Dillon A. Wright" I can't seem to find it on the webinar page! :O Edit: Oops, I didn't realize it aired today haha. Sorry about that! Looking forward to watching it :)
@cmelman95 I really can't wait until your Webinar is up because there are about 10 people I want to send that to. One of my favs by far! Thanks again :)
@eajones unfortunately the webinar won't be posted afterwards but all information will be available in the Admissions packages (all levels)
I am currently deployed overseas as a US Marine and was not be awake for this webinar :( will there be an archived version accessible? Thank you in advance!
@danderson2794 I also missed the webinar but it should be posted in the webinar videos tab under the Discussion tab. I look forward to watching it also!
Hey @"Tina Cho" , the recordings are only available to members, but the live webinars are open to everyone. So keep an eye out for them! The next one is Tuesday and it's a Q&A on admissions with David.
... favorite is https://7sage.com/webinar/my-18-point-increase-story ... . There is also a great webinar in how to properly skip ... for that. https://7sage.com/webinar/skip-it/