I have a question for the May LSAT-Flex takers who were signed up for the March or April tests originally. Did your photo carry over to the May test without having to upload it? Or did you have to reupload it?
I decided to cancel the June LSATFlex but could not figure out how. There was a withdrawal option on the LSAC website but that option just disappeared. So could somebody tell me how I can cancel the test? Thank you!
I'm currently registered for the July LSAT-Flex. Can someone tell me if I'm supposed to wait for an email from LSAC that will direct me on how to register for a ProctorU account, or am I supposed to go ahead and make one myself? Thanks much in advance!
... got for the July 2020 LSAT-Flex, LSAC noted that there is ... get a coupon for any LSAT from Aug till next April ... confident enough for the July LSAT-Flex, but I don't know ...
Where are you planning to take the LSATflex? My home is not conducive for this (7 people) and my libraries are still closed from Covid. Any and all recommendations would be sincerely helpful! Thank you!
Does anyone know how the LSAT-flex will be scored in comparison to the normal 4 section test? For example, how many wrong on the 3 section LSAT-flex test would one have to get in order to get a 165, 170, 175...etc? Thanks!
I plan on taking the LSAT in October, so I’m ... they will still be doing LSATFlex by then, but I am ... easy to do on the LSATflex/the digital one if anyone ...
Does anyone know if it's likely that the October LSAT will be LSATFlex? Also for LSATFlex, are you allowed to use scrap paper for reading comp notes since you can't really annotate on the computer besides highlighting?
Hi everyone! I registered for august lsat-flex and checked "I need a quiet/private room".
Has anyone had any experience with this "quiet/private room" option? What does the space they provide look like?
Thank you!~