As a start, you can do what I did and "pretend" to take every PT on 7sage to get to the analytics page, select all tests, and then filter by section and difficultylevel.
The degree of difference people are attributing the difficultylevel on the recent RC between here, reddit, and TLS just goes to show you that there's never just one "right" answer when it comes to LSAT stuff.
... them right regardless of the level of difficulty. Obviously, one way to ... questions right, regardless of the level of difficulty, often doesn't have ... others have broken down the difficultylevel of the average section. So ...
I think they need to adjust the LSAT difficultylevel comparable to that of GRE, if the latter is gonna be widely accepted which seems to be the trend. Otherwise I have a hard time seeing how the LSAT would/could persist.
... , If you look at the difficultylevel for questions on a particular ... yourself is without knowing the difficultylevel for these questions how can ...