... if it's a level 2 difficulty game, it can ... is that the 7Sage difficulty rating is sometimes skewed ... I mentioned earlier. The difficulty rating is set by ... 4 which skews the difficulty rating on 7Sage and ... and 4 are generally higher difficulty rated. Of note, ...
... you can filter by type/difficulty and print PDFs based on ... choose a game of level 2 or 3 difficulty that you fool ... already filled out/completed game (level 4 or 5) with notes ...
... each question has their own difficulty. The sections will have their ... own overall difficulty as well. That is why ... section overall is a 3 leveldifficulty. Usually, every passage does have ...
Try drilling questions in the question bank. Filter on whatever question type you are interested in, using the old LSATs, and only level 4 or 5 difficulty. I feel like this is what helped bump me from consisntely scoring low 170s to mid-to-high 170s.
... : you can't control the difficulty of sections much less control ... wasn't reading at the level I should be, I kept ... lining up with my skill level. :smiley:
... : you can't control the difficulty of sections much less control ... wasn't reading at the level I should be, I kept ... lining up with my skill level. :smiley:
> ...