Or how doyou decide whether to proceed without writing out your game boards (and write out game boards for separate questions)? Any advice appreciated - thanks guys!
... page contains the vast majority of questions per game (usually at ... the game board to be near the bulk of the questions with ... page doyou draw your game board? Personally, (and this is going to ... 2 at the same time. Doyou think my technique is stupid ...
... these questions. How did you guys better understand this question ... made them click for you? In on ofJY's videos, he claims that ... mapping is difficult due to my inability to identify which is ... of course because once I finish the 7sage course, practice is all ...
Doyou? If youdo, what doyou snack on? I usually have half of quest bar during the break but now I'm thinking about switching to different snacks and see which one works better for me, any suggestion?
What doyou suggest todo at this point? Right now ... , I think it's too close to ... game time to really change anything ... , so maybe I should focus allof the 35 minutes on making ...
... the December. Also, good luck toallof those taking the October!! Sending ... have a lot lot lot of work todo in LG,...so should ... to break into the 60's soon...how many PTs do I expect to ... wish I could offer more toyou guys but I've been ...
... 160s. I'm going to take June 2016 for ... this time since it's probably the only time ... />
I'm trying to get 5+ more points in ... 's arbitrary but does anyone have advice for how to ... stay motivated and not postpone again?
2) What doyoudo when you ...
... also been admitted to the University of Mississippi School of law. I ... However, I think USC's school is a better fit ... me, mostly because it's in a urban area, ... opportunities etc when I do move back to Mississippi. Is this ... part thinks that it's vital that I study ...
... been using the free LG explanations and have seen drastic improvement ... only taken 5 PT's and they have all been in the ... 's my story in a nutshell. Thank you in advance for allof ... the insightful lessons to come.
... months period, I got all questions right just under the ... the conditional rules to find some kind of deep inference which ... was a huge waste of time. Is it ever ... a good idea to look for deep inference ... to stop and hit the questions. Doyou have any rule of ...
... hate it. So without all your help and encouragement, ... when I don't do well in games my ... :) So I didn't do well in December.
Cheers toallofyou,
P.S. @"Dillon A. Wright" You have a ... message you shortly from my real account to unfreeze ...
Doyou keep them? Throw them away? I'm not sure what todo. I usually don't go back to them, and try to get a fresh copy instead. But I was just wondering what youalldo with yours. Thanks!
... I tried todo question 21 ("Complete list of classes for ... available were not part of what my possible game ... in a situation similar to this on test day, ... the rules and trying to amend what I mistook?< ... the games, all the while keeping note of the mistake I ...
Just for fun, because I noticed both my wife and I say LSAC/LSAT differently. I go the "word" approach and sat ELSAT, where she goes the letter approach and says L-S-A-T.
Besides the questions in the title...
What doyou usually do during those days?
I took a couple of days off and sometimes I even needed 1 week or so to get refreshed...I feel like I take too many days off...
... , get allof the inferences from video explanation, doyou print the copies of the ... under timed conditions? Or doyou move on to next game and then ... ? I am really confused as to what todo. I feel if I ...
FYI, they usually start to release the scores at the late afternoon. What are you going todo on Oct. 17th/18th? Are you going to stare at your email inbox? Or sleep through it? Or play video games?
... -1. Then I watched JY's explanation, admired it as usual ... game and JY said at the start of the video that ... it took him. What's going on here?
One thing that's going on is that I ... />
I would love to see a video ofJY (or anyone) solving ...
... just wanted to see how you guys view allof the elements of the application ... how doyou guys see the other elements we can add to the ... applications? Are allofyou writing those? Will ... schools look down on you if you don't use them?
... br />
JY's Blind Review has been an invaluable part ofallof our studies ... process in contrast toJY's. I really appreciated what you said - ... videos later for allof the questions you flagged or missed. ... or you have more to share about how to implement ...
... how doyou know you have a realistic goal?
How doyou know you reach ... it's not true that if you devote time and effort you can ... any score you want.
Some people may be able todo so ... ;extend...feeling it's not the right time and you can still ...
... just wanted to take the time to thank allof the members of 7sage that ... to display a polished product. JY, thank you--along with allof the other founders. You ... an amazing resource.
It's been a great year.
... I will score enough to get into the school I ... a chance I might have to take it again. I ... decided not to mess with February since, ... I want to take a break and on top of that, I ... score substantially. Wondering, what doyou guys do while waiting for the ...
... toallof those belonging to the LGBTQ community, doyou mark on your applications that you ... a good choice? Do school's actually care? ... Does this contribute positively or negatively to ... safe space (thanks toallofyou that are awesome 7Sagers ...