well the valid argument forms are used on ... be true questions. And the valid argument forms have both existential ... . For example look at this valid argument form:
marking your conclusions can visually help you orient the passages at the end of the section. it helps to have something concrete/mechanical to do when you're pressed for time :D
Wow. I am so excited. I thought I was only one drawing game board in the Coffee shop in Hongdae coffee shop haha. I have been looking for Study buddy in Seoul! Send me a message if anyone interested in :)
^ This. There's also a whole section on 7sage where J.Y goes over valid/invalid argument forms with intersect statements. It has really helped me with the confusing most/some relationships.
@Seglen512, I was wondering the same thing! I really want to avoid having to ask for reference letters all over again...have you been able to find out if they'll stay valid?
It'll just come intuitively with practice I think. Eventually you'll learn which ones to spend extra time drawing out the other diagrams, and which ones don't need the extras drawn. It comes with practice.
I feel that the easiest way to memorize these forms is to actually make flash cards and go over them a couple of times. I did this about 5 times in a row & I was able to recognized all valid & invalid forms afterwards.
Yes! Make sure you memorize those lessons! They will be very helpful soon, especially once you get to PTs. Also, valid and invalid argument types. CRUCIAL information to memorize and know when to spot it out.
... . They introduce both premises and conclusions. But, you just have to ... the rest are just sub-conclusions, otherwise known as major premises ... out what the premises and conclusions are in the other person ...