I've been focusing on improving my LR but I can't seem to improve under timed conditions but when I BR I'm doing great. I'm getting pretty discouraged. Any tips would be helpful.
I applied to Duke towards the end of October. File complete on 10/30. Just went under review today. I'm not on the priority track. Does anyone know how long non-PT applicants generally have to wait before hearing back?
Hey y'all
I have been fool-proofing LG's Prep-test 1-20 and I have a really hard time with the games that the target time is 5 minutes. I'll get them perfect but I'll end up at 6 mins or 6:30 even after doing them loads of times. Is it ...
... can't nail these games under timed circumstances, especially when there ... , I can go back afterward under non-timed conditions and eventually ...