... , is it also possible that H,I,K all speak Turkish ...
X: N
Y: H & I & K
Y: H & I
Z: L ... speak Spanish, which would make “C” a choosable answer. Can someone ... wrong. In my eyes answer “C” and “E” are right, and I ...
... ... the correct answer choice is E and I'm really trying ... the case. Is it because E is basically destroying the evidence ... right paw. If answer choice E is the case, then the ... was stuck between choices B, C, and D.
E seems to resolve this paradox ... br />
Is the reasoning for E being incorrect the use of ...
As for AC C being correct, is this due ... to AC C establishing that the use ...
... you NOT use them (i.e., you would need to draw ... />
I am confused b/c sometimes I split out game ... in 4 then where must H be?", so then I look ... in 4 to see where H must go. But then sometimes ...
... . Intro Reading Comp c. More Reading Comp ... Main Conclusion Questions c. Most Strongly Supported Questions< ... amp; Weakening Questions e. Causation and Phenomenon-Hypothesis ... True Questions h. Some and Most Relationships ...
... J is visited immediately after H is visited.
> ... in this question, C must be true, and E could be true ... />
We know that H & T must always be ... this:
... I would have thought that H _should belong_ in the correct ... answer since H is included in one of ... be true" so yeah AC E could be true in one ... You will see that AC C can't be possible because ... - so another reason why AC C is wrong.
... "unjustified bias" because Mr. H is a trusted community member ... evidence (evidence from Mr. H). So the evidence we have ... the testimony came directly from H C.) "trusted source in the ... them (skeptical versus not) E.) So should the newspaper have ...
... eliminate. We know that H and L cannot offer the ... and 10 year bonds so E is out. G and V ... year bonds because remember that H and L cannot offer the ... contradiction. According to this rule, H cannot offer only 5, so ... 10 year bond. And so C has to be true because ...
... lectures cannot be given in H because that would mean ... have three lectures given in H, which violates rule #3 ... P must be given in H. C cannot work because if R ... S is fifth? And E doesn't work because where ... can take out B and C before drawing anything because ...