... are K-JD, the employment statistics tend to be representing ... full time job to gain employment in the legal profession. ... ATL is based more on employment outcomes than anything else, ... the people bolstering their shitty employment numbers. But that's just ...
Problems with history: If you make the struggle more important, than the accomplishments take a back seat, and if you make the accomplishments more important, then it undermines the struggle
If you have a regional preference for employment after law school, rankings become much less important, and respective job placements, alumni networks, and regional reputation becomes much more critical.
... ignore a 40% un-/under-employment statistic is if you believe ... trends, to say nothing of employment trends. Would you ask that ... to the realities of legal employment today. Are all those people ...
... look at demographics when analyzing employment numbers. For the most part ... the employment numbers are a reflection of ... more marketable for other reasons. Employment numbers in my opinion are ...
@johnmelcon Ah, yes, I had the history and gender one -- modern times vs roman times? (not to be confused with African American women's suffrage -- which I also don't know the status of)