Another question for you guys - the experimentalsection.... is it much different than what we are used to? I'd like to be prepared if it's REALLY different so I don't freak!
... real way to know which section is experimental. Although you can tell ... the experimental but you could also get a third LR section. That ... knew which one was the experimentalsection because it was so much ...
For three LR section, I am pretty sure which one is the experimentalsection because the second one I took has one stimulus but two questions (Q9-Q10), which is certainly not the modern LSAT style(after PT60s)
... adding the score of the experimentalsection to my overall score… So ... been so inflated by the experimentalsection (that I was never told ... push yourself to finish every section etc. because it is still ...
... logic games as the experimentalsection. The extremely easy section that you finish ... in awe is always the experimental when it comes to logic ...
... sense in second guessing. The experimentalsection isn't supposed to me ... of course know which section type was the experimental: 2 RC sections ... in general, save for one section, then I'd say keep ...
... have to manually add a section from another PT in order ... to write a 5 section timed LSAT.
... on the real LSAT, the "experimental" section does not count towards your ... . No one knows which section is experimental while writing the LSAT, so ...
I also had two reading comprehension sections. I really hope the harder one is the experimentalsection. I am going to be praying until the results come out lol.
... not know that sometimes the experimentalsection is in the first 3 ... benefit from taking a 5 section practice test, especially in terms ... would try doing a 5 section prep test a few times ...
... could), and always included an experimentalsection from PTs 1-35. I ... . I scored 156 on the experimental, and 175 on the first ... I had one particularly weak section. LG was almost always my ...
Each administrated LSAT is different and yes there is an experimentalsection. All the preptests sold will only have the 4 graded sections because the experimentalsection is not disclosed.
Have you tried putting your "experimental" section as your 2nd or 3rd section? I think that'll also mimic real testing conditions since not everyone's experimentalsection will be their first.
I'd definitely recommend adding in an experimentalsection during your practice PTs. It will help with endurance on test day otherwise you risk getting burnt out by the 5th section since you won't be used to it.