Not looking for extraneous detail or any thing, just wondering, its possible for the first sectionon the lsat to be experimental? Unlikely but possible, or is it truly random and totally possible on account of that randomness?
I have been looking, and think I know the answer but want to confirm! Is there any way to know which section is the experimental/ungraded sectionon the exam? Is it always last? Or, could it be any one of the four in any order? Thanks.
Is the experimentalsection always the one that shows up twice? Like if RC shows up twice its ONE of the TWO RCs thats the experimental? Or can your score be based on an LR and 2 RCs?
Hello, I want to be able to take a PT and, like the real exam, do all four in one sitting without doing Legacy mode (all four graded). Legacy grades the experimental and I was wondering if I could do experimental ungraded in digital mode. Thank you
... at the three options offered on the prep tests here confused ... confirm, will there be an experimentalsection for the August LSAT?
- Legacy 4-section LSAT (LG, LR, LR, RC ... like in the past the experimental sections has always been LR ...
Hi! I have an accommodation to have the experimentalsection removed from the test all together. Is there any way to adjust PTs on 7Sage to reflect not having the experimentalsection?
... mark any answers onPT reviews with a star anymore. On my iPad ... click a Star during a PT review, it turns yellow for ... being clear. As its happening on multiple devices that used to ...
... there a common section where the LSAC places their experimentalsection in the ... test? For example, is the experimentalsection more likely to show up ... ways to tell if a section is experimental or not? I was ...
... of them) and have taken PT 70 and 71. I am ... need some advice. I have PT 72-80 remaining and want ... should I split up the PT's so I can properly ... />
I got a 155 onPT 71 and am studying around ... of actually hitting a 160 onPT.
I'm curious if there are any ways to "identify" the experimentalsection. I feel like after taking so many exams, doing so many questions etc. I will be able to have a feel for which one it might be - thoughts?
... one to three wrong a section. OnPT 36, however, my BR ... to end each LR section with over 5 minutes ... can barely finish an LR section, circle 8-12 questions ... I took from PT 73. Onsection 2 in late ... and corrected two. OnSection 4, which I took today ...
... did you feel about the experimentalsection? Did it throw you off ... drained because of the extra section? I just want to know ... fluctuation due to the extra section.
Is this the experimentalsection always the third or fourth section for the new online LSATs? I remember earlier when they first rolled out the online LSAT there was no experimental, but now there is.
Does anyone know how likely it is to get a experimentalsection as your first section of the LSAT? I am worried when I take it that I will be hit with an experimentalsection at the beginning, and this will knock off the rest of my test.
I am taking the test in September.
I have accommodations and I requested the experimentalsection to be removed. I was wondering if I need to take the my practice test with or without the experimentalsection.
Thank you!
I was able to request accomodations due to ADHD for November LSAT. They allowed me to take 5 minute breaks between sections, sit and stand, allow me to walk and or stretch, and best of all NO EXPERIMENTALSECTION!! YAYY
It could have been that it was the first section. I'm never focused enough on the first section to do RC. It was the first sectiononPT 72, and even though it was "medium" difficulty I missed 9 questions!
... . You can randomize the 4th section by changing the test to ... an old PT... to give yourself experience with the experimentalsectionon today's ...