... about listing my top 10 favorite pokemon and talking about some ... a top 10 favorite book list, top 10 favorite Harry Potter characters ... , top 10 favorite TV shows, etc ...
Hello everyone! This thread doesn't really have anything to do with the test haha. I just wanted to share that a lot of the time when I come on websites like 7sage & TLS, I get a bit anxious especially if I'm not having a very good studying day myself ...
What the title says. I'm sure each of us had at least one passage that really piqued his or her interest, found amusing for one reason or another, turned his or her life upside down, etc.
I'm not a big fan of art passages, but I really liked ...
In an ideal world, each of us would treat each RC passage equally. No passage (type) would be preferred over another; all LSAT candidates from different backgrounds would embrace all passages with same curiosity ...